Despite four generations of his family having attended the former Harrow High School, Dennis Swarts is ready to see the land it sits on be put to better use.
Despite four generations of his family having attended the former Harrow High School, Dennis Swarts is ready to see the land it sits on be put to better use.
Opinion: Letters to The Vancouver Sun, June 15, 2021.
Author of the article: Letters to the Editor
Publishing date: Jun 14, 2021 • 23 hours ago • 4 minute read • Shoes and stuffed animals sit outside the former Kamloops Indian Residential School where flowers and cards have been left as part of a growing makeshift memorial to honour the 215 kids whose remains have been discovered buried near the structure in Kamloops on June 5. Photo by COLE BURSTON /AFP via Getty Images
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The tragedy of bodies in unmarked graves found at the Kamloops residential school is only the tip of the iceberg in this continuing saga of cultural genocide. Soon more will be discovered at other residential schools across Canada.