These will be the last round of unofficial results, according to the Clerks website, until all election processes are concluded, which will be done no later than Nov. 29.
One set of school board candidates and their supporters are stuck on repeat, touting "balance" and "parental rights" over and over. The problem with their claims is that they aren't based in reality.
Don't be fooled on TABOR-killing Proposition HH. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights, or TABOR, is under attack once again by the tax-hungry left. Colorado citizens voted to make it an amendment to the Colorado Constitution in 1994. TABOR refunds are paid to citizens when certain state tax revenues grow faster than a rate determined by inflation and population growth. The ballot language does not mention TABOR and is misleading. Don't be fooled. Vote no on HH.
The Loveland population has radically grown from a 1970 census of 16,220 to 77,884. Estimates project more explosive growth. People want to move to Loveland for the hospitals, lifestyle and jobs in Boulder, Fort Collins, Longmont and Greeley. We are ideally situated for the airport, big city fun, colleges and mountains.
Jacki Marsh has always shown she puts the average Lovelander first in thoughts and votes. She has never taken money or favors from developers, political parties or out of state donors; paid for splashy ads; or made any issue personally about her she represents the majority of Loveland and tries to make logical, fair decisions. It's obvious some of the "good ol' boys" on the council dislike her and her decisions.