A Brahmanbaria court has sentenced 13 people to jail for four years each in a case over the communal attacks on the Hindu community in the district’s Nasirnagar Upazila six years ago.
attack there, and its context, turned up no evidence that al qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. the attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from nato s extensive air power and logistic support during the uprising against colonel gadhafi. and contrary to claims by some members of congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an american-made video, denigrating islam. so the al qaeda connection and the video, two key points. how do you know it wasn t al qaeda? well, i don t think i m out on a limb there. i think, honestly, if you asked anybody in the u.s. intelligence business, they would tell you the same thing. do you realize what he just said there? do you realize what he just said? the entire scandal that started, which was about this actually being al qaeda and then being covered up, and the idea that the spontaneous reaction to a video was a ridiculous fib, the
mainstream journalists. but now here comes david kirkpatrick in a stunning, multipart piece, absolutely taking a sledgehammer to the central cornerstone that the entire benghazi cathedral of scandal is built on. months of investigation, you write, by the new york times centered on extensive interviews with libyans in benghazi, who had direct knowledge of the attack there, and its context, turned up no evidence that al qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. the attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from nato s extensive air power and logistic support during the uprising against colonel gadhafi. and contrary to claims by some members of congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an american-made video, denigrating islam. so the al qaeda connection and the video, two key points. how do you know it wasn t al qaeda?
withdraw her name as a potential candidate for secretary of state, because she had, according to the right wing, gone out and lied to the american people. never mind that she was reciting talking points that had been created by the cia without her input, as far as we can tell. well, when the right started beating its drum over benghazi and saying is it was a cover-up, the bedrock contention was this. the obama administration claimed the attack was in response to the anti-muslim video, but really, it was an attack by al qaeda. critics said the administration didn t want us to know that america was still under threat from al qaeda terrorists, because the president is soft on terrorism. and nothing would stop critics from saying that the president misled the american people, even this moment. you said in the rose garden, the day after the attack, it was an act of terror. it was not a spontaneous demonstration, is that what you re saying reque insaying? please proceed, governor.
look at that! the turkey s chasing the fedex guy. oh, my god! [ laughing ] okay, so laugh it up, people, after a while, they had to feel bad for the guy and had to wonder what kind of people would point and laugh at a person going through such a traumatic experience. we found out at the end of the video. oh, there he goes! he s got the idea. turn tail on him. what d he do? chased him. wait, what, a bunch of doctors?! you guys leave a person on the surgery table to go make fun of those guys. thanks, obamacare. if you re not familiar with readit.com, it s the one with 56 billion page views in 2013. why are so many people flocking to readit. because there s gold. case in point. my boss brings her dog to work. recently we ve been reenacting scenes to movies. a guy with a little bit of extra time on his hands remaking the greatest romantic moments in cinematic history with his boss dog.