>> look at that! the turkey's chasing the fedex guy. >> oh, my god! [ laughing ] >> okay, so laugh it up, people, after a while, they had to feel bad for the guy and had to wonder what kind of people would point and laugh at a person going through such a traumatic experience. we found out at the end of the video. >> oh, there he goes! >> he's got the idea. turn tail on him. >> what'd he do? >> chased him. >> wait, what, a bunch of doctors?! you guys leave a person on the surgery table to go make fun of those guys. thanks, obamacare. if you're not familiar with readit.com, it's the one with 56 billion page views in 2013. why are so many people flocking to readit. because there's gold. case in point. my boss brings her dog to work. recently we've been reenacting scenes to movies. a guy with a little bit of extra time on his hands remaking the greatest romantic moments in cinematic history with his boss' dog.