Agenda. Thank you, item number one . Resolution of amended for the java house restaurant and increasing the Monthly Base Rent to 4,000 and no change to the initial term through august 31st, 2023. I believe we have mark to present today. Madam chair, chair members and board members, im the assistant Deputy Director of real estate and development for the port of San Francisco. The item before you today regards java house restaurant, a small restaurant at pier 40 1 2 located next to south beach harbor. The java house restaurant is a long standing port restaurant which has been operated by the family for over 33 years. In 2006, by their daughter. The java house currently operates under a 15 year lease with the port that expires august 31st, 2023. The original lease covers approximately 14,090 square feet. The original lease provides for the port to receive the greater of guaranteed monthly based rent or percentage rent. The current base rent is 3,314. The percentage rent is set at 7. 5 of
20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on ordering the previous question and on the amendment to House Resolution 564. We will strike that from the ecord. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on ordering the previous question on House Resolution 564 and on the resolution on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 42, House Resolution 564. Resolution providing for consideration of the bill, h. R. 4378, making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2020, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on ordering the previous question. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly
Reauthorized many of the administrations responsible for ensuring the safety of surface Transportation System including fm csa, and its a and h tsa, our witnesses can discuss the implementation. And identify issues the committee should consider as we prepare for transportation reauthorization. That place a greater focus on the nations Freight Network including establishing infragrant program. Others like tiger grants are critical to our nations transportation infrastructure. I hope the witnesses will provide the country with an update on efforts to improve our infrastructure and how grants are being utilized. The Hummus Committee considers reauthorizing fast act i plan to work closely with Ranking Member cantwell and others on both sides of the aisle too, to authorize the build discretionary grants, reauthorize amtrak, continue to enhance freight and Passenger Rail network, innovative Transportation Technologies across modes, coordinated research, develop and and deployments, advance H
Partly cloudy. Well be mostly sunny for today into the afternoon away from the coastline. Partly cloudy expected for you there. The winds are on shore. Wind gust about 31 miles per hour. We do have a bit of a cool Pacific Breeze moving through. Generally light around hayward, san jose, livermore and in towards the north bay. Winds are light as well. Temperature wise, 53 right now in napa. We have 55 to start your day in berkeley. Upper 50s in downtown San Francisco. 59 san jose. Upper 50s to low 60s outside your door. Then as we get into the afternoon, another nice one. We have 72 in oakland. 66 the afternoon high expected for San Francisco. Upper 70s to low 80s for our inland cities in the north bay. As we go inland east bay, warmer in areas like antioch. Upper 70s for those of you in san jose. Temperatures begin to climb tomorrow. Eventually our inland communities nearing 100 degrees. 41. Lets check on traffic with sal. Good morning to you. Right now we do have traffic that is moving
That representation Transportation Safety issues along with my Ranking Member senator cantwell let me welcome our Signature Panel of witnesses and thank them for this hearing. Well hear from the department of transportation including neil szabat ron brinks and straygur of the federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and deputy minister of traffic and safety. Welcome to each of you. Fixing americas surface transportation act of 2019 better known as the fastback rasterized the administrations responsible for ensuring the safety of our surface transportation paid sns and fra. Identifying issues this committee should consider as we prepare for reauthorization. The fastback places a greater focus on our nations Multimodal Network that includes establishing the emperor Grant Program. This program and others such as formerly tiger grants are critical to improve our nations transportation infrastructure. I hope the winces will provide the committee with an update on efforts to improve our i