20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on ordering the previous question and on the amendment to House Resolution 564. We will strike that from the ecord. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on ordering the previous question on House Resolution 564 and on the resolution on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 42, House Resolution 564. Resolution providing for consideration of the bill, h. R. 4378, making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2020, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on ordering the previous question. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 228. He nays are 197. The previous question is ordered. The question is now on the adoption of the resolution. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The aye vs. It. The resolution is adopted. Mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole on that i request the yeas and nays, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes y electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this te the yeas the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 2267. 227. The nays are 196. The resolution is adopted. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. For what purpose does the gentleman from the gentlewoman from new york, mrs. Lowey, seek recognition . Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 564, i call up the bill h. R. 4378, making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2020, and for other purposes, and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 4378, a bill making tening appropriations for fiscal year 2020, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 564, the bill is considered as read. The bill shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and Ranking Member of the committee on appropriations. The gentlewoman from new york, and the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Granger, will each control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new york, mrs. Lowey. Ask lowey mr. Speaker, i unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks extraneous material on the consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. I yieldey mr. Speaker, myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, while he house did its work and passed 12 appropriation bills through committee and 10 off the floor, the Senate Appropriations process is far behind. Because of this delay, we must ass a continuing resolution to avoid another Government Shutdown, like the one that which late last year, caused real harm to our economy americans. Working with less than two weeks until fiscal year, a clean continuing resolution that government open and funds important. Ies is so this legislation avoids provisions l policy that have slowed down the and priations process, that, if included, would jeopardize passage. It does not include an anomaly requested by the allow dministration to wall building outside the rio grande valley. The c. R. E time, contains provisions that reflect priorities, including allowing the Census Bureau to preparations for the census. For the Ukraine Assistance Initiative for another year. Ensuring that fema disaster can be spent as quickly as needed to effectively respond disasters. Ensuring the department of rural ture can operate waters and waste loan programs. Extending the National Flood program, and authorization for the exportimport bank. In addition to these provisions, extenders that have been negotiated by my colleagues on waysnergy and commerce and and means committees will keep Health Programs that are critical to American Families up running. By extending these programs and funding through november 21, this c. R. Will additional time to negotiate our differences and longterm nsible, funding for priorities that help ake our country safer and stronger. As we negotiate, families, across es, communities the country will have muchneeded budget certainty disruption to Vital Services or to the pay of employees. After we pass this c. R. , and the enate moves forward with their process, democrats will egotiate responsible appropriation bills that uphold our values and give working a ilies a better chance at better life. Eeping government open and providing certainty for our top nities must be a priority. Our continuing resolution is a to that end. P i urge my colleagues to join me in support of this legislation, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the entlewoman from new york reserves. The gentlelady from texas is recognized. Ms. Granger mr. Speaker, i rise today in support of h. R. 4378, a continuing resolution that will fund the government 21. Ugh november its unfortunate that we are in this situation and have to pass to keep the government open, but we cant afford an shutdown y and costly because the budget agreement did not get enacted until august. Began working on the 2020 appropriations bill only last week. As a result, theres simply not enough time to complete the process by the september 30 deadline. C. R. Will hortterm allow us the time to complete he f. Y. 2020 Appropriations Bills while ensuring that our military and Law Enforcement personnel get paid. Addition to preventing 4378 r shutdown, h. R. Promotes economic growth, strengthens national security, and religious liberty, allows us to respond to supports public Health Programs. It ensures farmers and ranchers continue to receive temporary relief from a aliatory tariffs at critical time of the year for our nations agricultural industry. Extends programs that are essential to countering chinas and ence over our economic national security. It continues all existing protections from f. Y. 2019 appropriations measures. Shortterm a extension of the National FloodInsurance Program and allows flexibility to respond to disasters. Would much rather be here today in support of full Appropriations Bills, but i have that, with more time, well be able to come together fullyear appropriations the president can sign into law. I urge my colleagues to join me in voting in favor of this continuing resolution so we can to work. I thank you and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. N from texas the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. I am owey mr. Speaker, very pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman maryland, the majority leader, mr. Hoyer. The speaker pro tempore the maryland is m recognized for one minute. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Irst of all, i want to start with congratulating chairwoman lowey and Ranking Member granger on working together. I want to congratulate the members of the Appropriations Committee. I know there wasnt always agreement. Im hopeful, as we go forward, agreement on the individual bills or the minibus that we will ultimatelyfund to Fund Government in a timely fashion. They worked together toward that objective. I want to congratulate all the members. Speaker, i am also proud of 96 of that we funded through this ouse prior to june 30 of this year. That has not been done in over a decade. It was the hard work of the chair and the Ranking Member and the committee, even though there was not agreement on the substance at end, without that cooperation, that could not have happened. The committee and its leadership. As majority leader, as a member Appropriations Committee, focused, leave, i am and we are focused as a majority n doing our job in providing certainty for the military, for workers, encies, for for businesses, and for the American People. The congress can, in fact, in a responsible way. The senate has not its work. They have not passed a single appropriation bill. One. And by the time the fiscal by came back in september, they had not passed a committee. Out of is necessary. As the senate failed to introduce even a single before ation bill august, for the first time in ore than three decades, let alone markup or bring it to the floor, i said. To make suree need that government doesnt shutdown. We dont have to have drama. Panic. T have to have we dont have to have people aying, why cant the congress do its work . We are bringing this bill to the loor, and we are going to pass it today with, i hope, a large bipartisan vote and send it to the senate. My understanding that they ntend to pass this so we will ot have the angst, the lack of confidence in this institution nd the instability that coming right up to the precipice of avoided. S end, we have on the floor, as i said, a continuing prevent a shutdown hrough and this c. R. , this continuing resolution authorizes the operations of government 21. Ugh november there was some discussion about going into the middle of december. Want to say to my colleagues, committee, y to my there is no reason on gods complete h we cannot business in the appropriations process by november 21. Single reason except rocrastination and an unwillingness to compromise. With ans have sent people different views to this congress, but notwithstanding they difference in views, expect us to be able to work. Of the great pleasures i had on his congress is serving the Appropriations Committee, particularly when i went there. T, frankly, has become more wentsan than it was when i there in 1983. 1980. To congress in member from massachusetts, we were able to Work Together, resolve our differences. Mrs. Oud of the fact that that and ms. Granger have same psychology. This bill will extend the authorizations that would of rwise expire at the end this month, including the exportimport bank, the national lood Insurance Program, the Higher Education act, and a number of important Health Programs. I thank mr. Pallone, chairman of committee, for working to make sure that we can do that in a timely fashion as well. I hope we can pass this on a bipartisan basis, as i said, and faith to do in good the job the American People sent do, assure the operations of their government in an efficient and effective behalf. Heir a government that expands ustice, opportunity, economic security, and strengthens our national defense. To a bipartisan budget agreement on lifting spending in july, and that was a good first step. Next, we must come to a agreement on how to each ofthe allotment to the 12 divy up the allotment Appropriations Bills, what we refer to as 302b allocations. Progress and e compromise on that issue. The senate iends in not squander the extra time this provides. Approximately seven working weeks. And come to agreement among then with, first, and us. So i thank chairwoman lowey, her chairs, ms. Granger, her Ranking Members, moving the rd work house bills so expeditiously and producing a c. R. That will avert at the end of september. Done. Get the job again, let me reiterate in losing, we can complete this ob prior to november 21, and thats exactly what we ought to and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. He gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Granger i yield two inutes to the gentleman from idaho, mr. Simpson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from idaho is recognized for two minutes. Simpson i thank the gentlelady for yielding time. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in support of the continuing today. Ion before us i think we can all agree the continuing resolutions arent the ideal solution to funding our government. In fact, most the people on the Appropriations Committee hate continuing resolutions. Ideally, all of our 12 appropriation bills would be 1. Cted by october last year, we were able to complete several bills on time, including the energy and water bill. But sometimes we need more time to complete our negotiations. Considering a budget deal was enacted before last month, and there simply isnt enough time to complete work on these ills before the new fiscal year. So while continuing resolutions arent ideal, supporting a hortterm c. R. To keep our government functioning is the only responsible vote today. Again. Say that it is the only responsible vote today for our national security, for our economy, and for the welfare of the American People. For instance, this bill will ensure the department of energy our Nuclear Weapons stockpile and the corps of engineers can dredge our ports waterways so goods and materials can move freely. Also appreciate this bill recognizes our Farmers Agriculture faces uncertain temporary relief provisions, while not a solution, do help. Like to applaud the inclusion of a provision rell ated to the special crop initiative. This is for the successful potato farmers in idaho. Need to pass this continuing resolution before us today and work towards completing our work final appropriation bills, as the majority leader said, by november 21. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on this continuing resolution, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey im very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from ohio, the distinguished chairwoman of the subcommittee on energy and water development, ms. Kaptur. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized. Ms. Kaptur i would like to thank chair lowey for her great leadership. It is with actuall great reluctance that i rise in support of todays shortterm continuing resolution and urge my colleagues to do so as well. While this continuing resolution will keep the lights on for the government of the United States, surely this isnt the most responsible course of action we could follow. This extension of current funding means federal agencies are effectively forced to operate on auto pilot. They cant begin any new programs or respond to shifting priorities. To force our nations government to once again operate on a continuing resolution has been railed against by our republican friends and particularly problematic for the pentagon. And they are right. It is the lack of action from our Senate Republican colleagues who deepsixed their fiscal responsibility and their leadership that brought us here today. I commend chairwoman loweys real leadership and speaker pelosi, and majority leader hoyer for their prioritization and passage in our house of 10 of the 12 annual appropriations spending bills. But what has the senate achieved . Very little. Despite democratic warnings for months about the need for a bipartisan budget agreement, it took until july to settle on top line numbers. Only this very month were our Senate Colleagues willing to advance their first bills. Why you might ask . Because they are beholden to the white house. But this white house has consistently demonstrated its lack of regard for the federal budget process itself. For Congress Constitutional power of the purse, and for the constitutional separation of powers when it comes to federal funding decisions. So i suppose there is a bit of time to right this ship of state, but it will take real courage from Congressional Republicans to separate themselves from the irresponsible Campaign Promises of the president. It will take serious commitment in the senate to produce bills that can be conferenced with our house versions that are just waiting for conference. By november 21, it will take bipartisan responsibility might i have an additional 30 seconds. I thank the chair. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for 30 minutes. Ms. Kaptur by november 21 it will take bipartisan responsibility to support this bodys highest priority to fund the entire federal government for the remaining fiscal year, 2020. I urge my colleagues to support this shortterm resolution and demand our republican colleagues get serious about reasonable expectations in a divided government. Let us compromise. Let us govern as the people of the United States expect. I yield back any remaining time to the gentlelady, our fine chair. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Granger i yield four minutes to the gentleman from alabama, mr. Aderholt. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from alabama is recognized for four minutes. Mr. Aderholt mr. Speaker. Thank you, Ranking Member, thank you for yielding. I rise in support this afternoon of this continuing resolution. Having to pass a continuing resolution is never an ideal situation. As i think most members of this body knows. However, i support this c. R. Because it will ensure that congress can provide the basic services which so many of our constituents depend on. Also support this bill because it provides us with the necessary time to negotiate those f. Y. 2020 appropriation bills. The bills that have already been referred to this afternoon. Bills that i hope are both physically responsible and will avoid a poisonous partisan riders that is actually unlike the bills that were passed over the summer in the this c. R. Continues federal funding at last years levels with limited exceptions to ensure our government has the resource it needs to aid our constituents and help them where they need federal assistance. Serving as Ranking Member of the commerce, justice, science related subcommittee, i support the inclusion of language that ensures the Census Bureau will stay on track to deliver a full and accurate count of all americans in the 2020 census beginning in a few months, as well as the language that enables the International Trade commission to meet its statuary mandates under the bipartisan American Manufacturing competitiveness act. Im also pleased this legislation continues to provide for all existing prolife protection that is will allow the usda to provide temporary relief from unjust tariffs in retaliation for American Farmers and ranchers during the period of the continuing resolution. Unfortunately, this bill does fall short of providing the resources needed by the Martial Service for its detention and care of its prisoners. Stepped up efforts under the Trump Administration to prosecute firearms, drug, and immigration violations directly impact the Martial Services needs. The safe, secure, and humane confinement of prisoners depends on appropriate funding for this account. We cannot as a Congress Call for a crackdown on crime gun crime, and simultaneously fail to adequately provide for the detention of the arrestees. This needs and must be addressed in the f. Y. 2020 legislation. Therefore, in conclusion concluding, mr. Speaker, i look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on the Appropriations Committee as we complete the consideration f. Y. 2020 appropriation bills under the budget deal that was reached last month. With that i urge my colleagues to pass this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from new jersey, the chairman of the committee on energy and commerce, mr. Pallone. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. Its good to see my colleague from new jersey in the chair. I want to thank chairwoman lowey, shes my classmate. Arent too many of us left. Good to see you there, thank you. I rise in support of h. R. 4378, the continuing appropriations act 2020 and the health extendsers act of 2019. I am extenders act of 2019. Im particularly pleased it includes a provision that will increase enrollment numbers for the 9 11 World Trade CenterHealth Program which provides health care and treatment for responders and survivors. Since being notified two weeks ago that this program is approaching enrollment capacity, i have been working with my colleagues in the house and senate, as well as the administration, to come to an agreement to raise the enrollment cap in order to guarantee new enrollees will continue to have access to treatment. So we were able to quickly come together on an agreement so that the new enrollees will access this program for many years to come. The bill, h. R. 3778, also includes temporary funding extensions for several medicare extenders and public Health Programs, including funding for Community Health centers, medicaid funding for puerto rico and the u. S. Territories, and the Demonstration Program for Certified CommunityBehavior Health clinics. This temporary patch will protect americans access to these vital programs while Congress Works towards a longterm agreement. While im relieved this bill will prevent any interruption of health care services, i want to stress our work is far from done. We have to continue to work towards a bipartisan, longterm extension that provides funding capacity for these programs for the millions of americans that depend on it. The energy and Commerce Committee has already voted in support of bipartisan longterm extensions of these programs and im hopeful that we can reach a bipartisan, bicameral agreement to get these extensions signed into law before this shortterm patch expires in november. Again, i want to thank chairwoman lowey. I know you and jerry nadler, carolyn maloney, the new york representatives, very concerned bout the health care it in the aftermath of 9 11. I particularly appreciate your support on that. Yield back to the chairwoman. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Granger i yield two minutes to the gentleman from texas, judge carter. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Carter i thank the gentlelady for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise in support of h. R. 4378, the continuing resolution. I wish we were here to pass f. Y. 20 Appropriations Bills but the fact of the matter is, we are delayed. We need to pass this bill to ensure the government continues to operate. This is especially important for critical functions of our government such as national defense, homeland security, and serving our veterans. It will also ensure the men and women serving the nation, including our soldiers in fort ood, are paid on time. This is imperative and by itself is enough reason to support this bill. The passage of this bill will give us time to finalize our f. Y. 20 appropriations process. I am looking forward to working with my friend from florida, the chairwoman of military construction and Veterans Affairs subcommittee, ms. Wasserman schultz, to finish our bill. Im ready to go to work. I encourage my colleagues support this continuing resolution and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from florida, the distinguished chairwoman of the military construction and Veterans Affairs subcommittee, ms. Wasserman schultz. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Wasserman schultz i thank the gentlelady for yielding. Thank my colleague from texas, the Ranking Member of the military construction and v. A. Appropriations subcommittee, for being such an incredible partner in our Work Together and look forward to bringing our 1 12th of this bill in for a landing when we complete the appropriations process for this fiscal year. For now, mr. Speaker, i rise in support of this continuing resolution which yet again puts us in a position of having to avoid another shut down. The house has done its part passing 10 Appropriations Bills, but the Republican Senate has been delinquent in their responsibilities. This resolution thankfully buys us time. Time that avoids any budgetary anxiety that our families, businesses, and communities simply dont need right now. If wall street and main street agree on one thing, its that Government Shutdowns help no one. When we all what we all want is what this continuing resolution provides, a measure of stability. Lord knows we need that right now. Given current events. It avoids divisive policy fights and embraces shared priorities such as bolstering the 2020 Census Bureau preparations which is a vital constitutional responsibility, and ensuring our crital Health Programs dont expire. And namely it does not fund the president s border wall, yet does provide much needed medicaid funding to Americans Still recovering in puerto rico. Im extremely proud of our leadership, particularly our chairwoman, for providing this budgetary certainty that our economy needs and for ensuring the priorities of working families are protected. Again i urge my colleagues to support this resolution and look forward to working with my fellow appropriators to bring the f. Y. 20 final bill in for a landing. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Granger i yield three minutes to the gentleman from florida, mr. Diazbalart. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Diazbalart thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I also rise to support this continuing resolution. As an appropriator, you have heard it from all of us, this is not the best choice. Its not our first choice to do continuing resolutions. But this shortterm c. R. Is necessary to give the senate time to move its Appropriations Bills to the process. In the meantime, mr. Speaker, this legislation is absolutely critical for our men and women in uniform, for our first responders, for our air traffic controllers, and so many other Public Servants who keep us safe each and every day. This legislation also has a limited number of provisions that are important to frankly members on both sides of the aisle. Let me just give you a couple examples. Disaster response tools are in the c. R. Extension of flood insurance. Relief for the men and women who help put the food on our table. The American Farmers. Most importantly, mr. Speaker, this legislation gives us the opportunity to complete our many full year appropriation bills by november 21. I am absolutely confident we can finish our bills by this date because we have a bipartisan budget deal that was signed by the president. I will tell you im particularly looking forward to working with chairman price to finalize a thud bill to address the infrastructure safety and Housing Needs of our great country. I also know that because of chairwoman lowey and Ranking Member granger they will lead us through this process in a transparent, clear way as they always have. Again we need to pass this bill. I urge a yes vote. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i am yield two minutes to from texas, an outstanding member of the ppropriations committee, mr. Cuellar. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for two minutes. R. Cuellar thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank the chairwoman, mrs. Lowey, for her leadership, expertise on the Appropriations Committee. Also want to thank my fellow texan, ms. Granger, also, for and leadership on this, and thank both of them for working in a bipartisan way. In support of this continuing resolution, were here to build consensus, find government d, keep working for our people. We need to set aside and think p, bias, about and vote for what is best for our country. To measure allows us continue the conversation while e keep government open and functioning. This bill will extend several programs that are expected to expire at the end of the month. For example, it permits usda to access the full 30 billion the Commodity Credit Corporation to assist our agriculture producers across the world. It also supports our farmers and through the market facilitation program. It also extends funding for Community Mental and Substance Abuse disorder important which is so to our communities. It also allows the Census Bureau the 2020 census preparation, which is so mportant for all parts of the country. It also supports Small Businesses by ensuring the operation and funding of s. B. A. Loan programs. Disaster ns critical relief funding. It supports Rural Communities by maintaining funding for water waste loan programs. It also supports Public Health extending funding for Community Health centers and graduate medical education. That, we need to continue working together as democrats and republicans with our senate folks to make sure that we get this done. Members, i ask you to support the continuing esolution, continue bipartisanship. For that i say thank you and, mr. Speaker, i yield back the time. E of my the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Granger i yield three minutes to the gentleman from fortenberry. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from nebraska is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Fortenberry thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you, Ranking Member granger, for the time, but also your important leadership on this important bill. Like to thank our chair lowey for her continuous work seeking commonin ground on this continuing resolution. Ranking member granger noted, we find ourselves today, ficult position so we are deliberating a continuing resolution instead of assing fullyear appropriations. It is important, though, that we follow our constitutional duty o maintain government operations. This bill will keep the government open. Essential public policies, and it will minimize he drama in the budgetary process. One of our constraints is that he senate did just start marking up their bills, as has been noted, last week. Focus my r, ill comments on the agricultural portion of the bill, and on a that regard, in the Senate Agricultural ppropriations subcommittee passed their bill out of the full Committee Just this morning. Until the majority leader bring the ag appropriations bill to the floor and it passes, we have no option ther than to wait for the bill to move through the process. So until that time, chairman ready to i will be start conferencing the agricultural Appropriations Bills with our Senate Colleagues. Forward to house and Senate Leadership decisions on the respective allocations for these individual Appropriations Bills, and on that note, i would strongly and mend that the House Senate Leaders keep in mind the critical needs of the gricultural and Rural Communities as well as food and medical product safety when number for the final allocations. As Ranking Member of the agricultural subcommittee, i was surprised to learn that in the initial draft of this bill, it ould have halted desperately needed payments to our farmers and ranchers in Rural Communities. White house had requested an anomaly consistent with prior years that the continuing carry a n noncontroversial provision to funding the reestablish the funding for as well as a n temporary trade payments to farmers and ranchers so hurt by retaliatory tariffs. He majority did recognize the harm of not including this provision. And for that i am very grateful. A plea to e to make keep farmers and ranchers out of disputes. Cal americas farmers are hurting, nd now is the time for further bipartisan solidarity. Second, mr. Speaker, this bill the cts an oversight in disaster spending bill to help beef farmers in the midwest. These hardworking familiarers have been devastated by two of flooding farmers have been devastated by two flooding. This eaker, i support resolution. Lets keep working hard to finish the rest of the job, and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i am very pleased to yield one minute distinguished gentlewoman from the Virgin Islands, ms. Plaskett. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman from the Virgin Islands is recognized. Thank you to the chair, chair lowey, and thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank the leadership bringing this c. R. And floor. Rs to the this provides critical relief to the Virgin Islands. Related s the disaster 100 federal funding to sustain edicaid on our islands through november 21. While the territory is part of american d we are citizens, federal law unfairly islands. Ps on the unlike the states, where they are openended, and provides provide a greater percentage than the states. In this bill, the rate of federal funding ould plummet nearly 50 Percentage Points to the permanent cap level of 55 . Basic that funding puts health care at risk for Many Americans living on our islands. The fundamental problem is that the u. S. Territories are forced o operate medicaid under cap funding. A more equitable matching rate basis. Ed on a permanent i know that energy and commerce has done so in their legislation. Hopeful when we work on a final budget it will take place. I sponsored legislation, h. R. Remove these caps permanently, and i yield back and thank you all for advancing cause in this c. R. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Granger i yield two minutes to the gentleman from mr. Joyce. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Speaker, i rise in support of this bill, despite a disappointment that continuing resolution is necessary at this point in time. He alternative is a Government Shutdown, which would only serve to hurt the American People by critical them of the services, not to mention wasting their money. For example, this bill continues reviews and ntal permitting that are necessary for economic and energy development. Also guarantees that our beloved national parks, orests, wildlife refuge, and other public lands stay open for business, especially for those and those on tourism who have already booked visits for the upcoming holidays. The flow of money for those communities looking to infrastructure so citizens can have access to water. Safe drinking and it will ensure that well overeign American Indian and alaskan native lives whose ancestors paid in advance with land for s and their the peace and the promise of basic Services Like education, to ic safety, and Access Health care. For these reasons and more, i support this bill and i urge my colleagues on both sides of the to do the same. There is so much more upon which disagree. Han let us act on what we agree upon so that our constituents can continue their daily lives interruption. This bill continues the operation of programs upon which only seven greed months ago. Vote yes. Id like to thank the ranking for yielding me this time, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. N from texas the gentlelady from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i reserve. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. S. Granger i yield two minutes to the gentleman from california, mr. Calvert. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is two minutes. R mr. Calvert i thank the ranking for her good work and the chairman. Id like to rise in support of the continuing resolution. Many of my colleagues, we were hopeful once we had a to et deal wed move conference, pass them, if not on time, close to on time. Nfortunately, the senate needs more time. And this will give the senate house time to e do its work. 21,. R. Expires november more than enough time to sit down with our colleagues in the enate, work out our differences, and in fact, i would hope we could still move if able, to pass conference bills before the end of the c. R. For our u. S. Ly, service members. Our military has moved quickly o restore readiness and modernize. Secretary esper has demonstrated his commitment to a modern, more Agile Department that can quickly respond to threats and our eeds to support support to continue his efforts. Im confident once the chairman down had a chance to sit with our Senate Colleagues, we can quickly work out our differences, write a bill that on the path itary towards meeting the challenges adversaries. There is no lack thereof. Recent events demonstrate that he world needs our leadership and presence. I urge my colleagues to vote for this c. R. , avoid devastating Government Shutdown, and lets get to work ensuref. Y. 2020 bills to the continuity of vital efforts of the department of defense. I urge a yes vote and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. N from texas the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the entlewoman from new york reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Granger i yield back the time. E of my the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, without action, the federal Government Shutdown in less than two undo harm to our undo harm to our economy. Unacceptable. Our continuing resolution will provide budget certainty for our and ies, businesses, communities while we negotiate ongterm funding for our priorities and fight to give every person a better chance at life. Er i urge support. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. All peaker pro tempore time for debate has expired. Ursuant to House Resolution 564, the previous question is ordered on the bill. Is on engrossment bill. Ird reading of the all those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. Making k a bill continuing appropriations for iscal year 2020, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the uestion is on passage of the bill. Those in favor say aye. No. E opposed, it. Ayes have the bill is passed. Ms. Granger mr. Speaker, i ask yeas and nays. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i ask for the the speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. Sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. 20,uant to clause 9 of rule this is a 15minute vote on h. R. 4378. It will be followed by votes on approval of journal, if requested. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. House proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 301, the nays are 123. The bill is passed. Without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant clause 8, rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the question on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal which the