we just don t think that makes much sense. but even tonight my friend, as i m sure you well know, the pr battle continues. vladimir putin in a statement saying, listen, it s regrettable the way the obama administration has ended, nevertheless, we have extended new year greetings to both the obama and trump families. score one for diplomacy in that respect for vladimir putin. we will see if it makes a difference into the new year. back to my my friend. kevin corke, thank you. while foreign leaders may be looking past president obama we learned today is he trying to scramble to on the home front. the president will ma a rare visit to capitol hill to huddle with democ come up with a plan to save obama care. who better to check in on this than our friend jessica tar leave. good to see. you do you think the president wishes he had done this kind of work a couple of months ago? a couple of years ago? instead, he fight even every minor tweet to obama care.
and take a look at how she tried to turn the corner here by using the mccarthy comments to brush away her upcoming testimony. not just about the debate she s going before the benghazi committee. here is how she tried to turn a weakness into a strength. watch. this committee is basically an arm of the republican national committee. it is a partisan vehicle as admitted by the house republican majority leader mr. mccarthy, to drive down my poll numbers. surprise. my point is that tonight she was speaking to the democrats in that room, and the democ an fbi investigation looming, blaming this on mccarthy, talking about the benghazi committee may not
thank you. up next, hillary clinton s controversial role in the u.s. arm sales. plus, is the left putting free speech under attack? one democ i m louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. quitting smoking is a challenge and it s a lot easier to go into a fight when you ve got somebody that s got your back. having chantix as a partner made it more successful. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures.
he writes as a first step, he needs to carefully consider whether the best thing he can do now is to stand down from his post. john mccain, bob dole is starting to walk back in. we have these red state democ t democrats calling for him to go. when you look at this mproblem? in a word, no. it is irrelevant if he runs the outfit or no. at the end of the day, the results will be the same.
yeah, we re right. outside spending 3.75 million. which side would you rather have outside money on that? here s the bottom line again for the democrats, and i don t think it was a perfect campaign. she is a very qualified democ t democrat. no question about it. she d make a great congressional member. but she ran on fixing obamacare. democrats, let this be a lesson. you don t have to fix anything. the numbers are on your side. you re saving lives. you re saving money. john boehner wants to hold another vote in the house that s going to take money away from americans. is that hard to say? no. but you have to so some fortitude to say it. any democrat that runs ads and goes out there and plays in the negative narrative, well, i m going to go to washington and fix obamacare, that s the first thing you ll say in your ad, democrats? no. we re on the right side of history. we re saving money. we re putting money in people s pockets. we re saving lives. we are headed in the right direction.