Why the Himalayan Third Pole is crucial in climate governance Asia News Network (ANN) is the leading regional alliance of news titles striving to bring the region closer, through an active sharing of editorial content on happenings in the region.
The global understanding of the climate crisis and climate action against it have always been guided by scientific evidence. It is therefore disappointing to see that our policy formulation and academic research are not interacting enough, at least in the climate change arena.
Last week, the finance division issued a circular asking all ministries and divisions to send by April 29 their budget proposals for 2024-2025 and their expenditure plans for the following two financial years to help prepare the midterm budgetary framework.
Importance of Himalayan Third Pole: The future of the Himalayan region is linked inextricably with three Cs: Climate, Connectivity, and Community. Of these, perhaps the climate cluster is primus inter pares among them; the other two feed into it as they walk hand in hand, weaving into our lives and existence, and affecting the survivability not only of our planet but also of