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ballots for trump, where marjorie taylor greene this week endorsed the former president, there s clearly unrest among many who were supremely loyal to tr trump. ann hook is a labor delivery nurse, who describes herself who is against a lot of things that, quote, far left stands for. if it were trump and san tis, who would you vote for today? i m leaning towards desantis, to be honest with you. i m leaning toward desantis even though i voted for trump. donald trump was great, but people don t like donald trump. i think desantis would be better. he s very smart. why do you think people don t like donald trump? his mouth. he s too mouthy. reporter: many we talked to in the county seed of rome, georgia, aren t particular about any republican just yet. donald trump was relying on people to be loyal who voted for him. yeah, i know. but i don t know. there s just a lot of things
my lifetime. reporter: and see if they are ready to vote for him again. but, it may be time for someone else with similar values to run the country. reporter: and who would that be? desantis. reporter: here in floyd county, georgia, where 70% of the voters cast their 2020 ballots for trump, where marjorie taylor greene this week endorsed the former president, there s clearly unrest among many who were supremely loyal to trump including here at the gym. ann hook is a labor delivery nurse, who describes herself as someone who is against a lot of things that, quote, far left stands for. if it were trump and desantis, who would you vote for today? i m leaning towards desantis, to be honest with you. i m leaning toward desantis even though i voted for trump. donald trump was great, but people don t like donald trump. i think desantis would be better. he s very smart.