Delhi Water Minister Satyendar Jain on Tuesday accused the Haryana government of depriving the capital s people of their rights by obstructing water supply in the Yamuna river."The water level in the Wazirabad barrage has been severely .
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Delhi Water Minister Satyendar Jain on Tuesday alleged that BJP MP Manoj Tiwari forcibly entered the Delhi Jal Board s Sonia Vihar underground reservoir (UGR) with around 300 people and created a ruckus there. India News | Delhi Water Minister Accuses BJP MP Tiwari of Creating Ruckus at DJB Reservoir.
Delhi Water Minister Satyendar Jain on Tuesday alleged that BJP MP Manoj Tiwari forcibly entered the Delhi Jal Board's Sonia Vihar underground reservoir (UGR) with around 300 people and created a ruckus there.
Delhi Water Minister Satyendar Jain on Tuesday alleged that BJP MP Manoj Tiwari forcibly entered the Delhi Jal Board s Sonia Vihar underground reservoir with around 300-400 people, and created a ruckus there."Delhi BJP MP @ManojTiwariMP .
The famous Yamuna river in Delhi will be completely cleaned and made fit for bathing by 2023, said Delhi Water Minister Satyendar Jain. The fishes will also be visible in the water body, claimed the minister on Tuesday.