The three non-official members of the DDCD named in the services letter were Gopal Mohan and Aswathi Muralidharan, close aides of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, and Vijaya Chandra Vupputuri. The letter said Mohan and Muralidharan drew a gross monthly salary of Rs 3,80,250, equivalent to that of a secretary in the Government of India, and Vupputuri was paid Rs 3,19,500 a month.
India News: The services department of the Delhi government has sought an explanation from planning and finance departments on fixing the salaries of three non-of
India News: The services department of the Delhi government has raised questions over secretary-level salaries paid to three non-official members of the DDCD and
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday targeted the Central government saying that the Delhi Services Act has granted officers the licence to openly rebel against the written orders of the elected government of Delhi."Delhi .