The post-narco analysis session of Aaftab Amin Poonawala, the accused in the Shraddha Walkar murder case, was completed within two-hours on Friday, officials said.
According to sources, the confessions of Poonawala during his 14 days of police custody are similar to those in response to the questions asked during his polygraph and narco-analysis test.
Such a confession in a polygraph test, or in the narco-analysis test that follows, is not routinely admissible as evidence, but any material proofs that it may lead to can be used in court. His narco-analysis next step in what's generally known as
Shraddha Walkar Murder: One of the weapons used by Aaftab Poonawala to allegedly dismember his girlfriend Shraddha Walkar's body has been recovered, in the latest revelation into the gruesome killing that has stunned the country.