pple has now started selling the much anticipated iPhone 15 series in India at New Delhi’s Apple Saket store with buyers lined up outside Select Citywalk mall at around 4 AM, just to be the first one to buy the latest iPhone. Meanwhile, in Mumbai, the story is a bit different, the person who was the first iPhone 15 buyer at Apple BKC had to wait for 17 hours outside the store., Delhi News, Times Now
The first-floor store, situated at South Delhi’s Select City Walk Mall, is much smaller than the flagship store in Mumbai but will showcase all Apple products and experiences.
Delhi News Live Updates: Aaradhya, daughter of actors Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, has moved Delhi High Court seeking to restrain various entities from reporting fake news about her health.
Apple Inc is to open its second store in India in New Delhi s Saket today, April 20. The company s chief executive officer Tim Cook will be opening the doors of Apple Sake to the general public. This is the second store, after Apple threw open its first store in Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai a day ago. aaa