been deleted, accidentally when the phones were re-set as part of a device replacement program. the secret service denies the messages were deleted on purpose. is it possible, frank, i mean, joe, how could this be possible, that they could only lose text messages from those days. i just don t believe it. especially, frank, what sort of consequences do you face as a bureaucrat if you re told by the inspector general that they need the texts from the 5th and 6th. and also congress requests them and congress requested them even before the deletions. so, i mean, it seems to me when you get a production request, whether it is from the united states congress or whether it is from an inspector general, you know that if your erasing those messages for any reason, you re in trouble, right?
it s other dates. because if it s just those two dates, then you have to be deeply concerned about the kind of communications between agents, that could have been involved in those deleted messages. and whether they might, for instance, corroborate some of cassidy hutchinson s testimony. but until we know the full length of, you know, the full scope of these deletions of messages, and whether it s a benign like the secret service says, or whether it s something more devious like the ig implies, we won t really be able to assess this. cassidy hutchinson s testimony, and you remember, over a week ago, we were told that trump secret service person, anthony or nato, he was going to refuse wet or night, what hutchinson says. yet, we haven t heard from him. and our michael beschloss pointed this out tonight. in december 2019, trump tweeted that tony ornato, that secret service guy, would become his deputy chief of staff. for donald trump to name a
cassidy hutchinson s testimony. but until we know the full length of, you know, the full scope of these deletions of messages, and whether it s a benign like the secret service says, or whether it s something more devious like the ig implies, we won t really be able to assess this. cassidy hutchinson s testimony, and you remember, over a week ago, we were told that trump secret service person, anthony ornato, he was going to refute what she said, what hutchinson says. yet, we haven t heard from him. and our michael beschloss pointed this out tonight. in december 2019, trump tweeted that tony ornato, that secret service guy, would become his deputy chief of staff. for donald trump to name a secret staff member to a job like that, especially on the eve of a reelection campaign, that is abnormal. should that not have raised a serious red flag? daniel?
i m going to go to you, tyrus. not deletions again. you mentioned this to me last night, that you saw your twitter feed go up after the sale. twitter feed. twitter followers. i go home. i did too, thousands. what you make of this? i don t tweet that much and i was playing my xbox i happened to look for when did i have 400,000 what? i kept noticing every minute 100 new followers, 100 new followers. okay. they are trying to clean up. they either were they said they adjusted the dials to your reach. apparently they took young viewership away from us because apparently that s the demographic. that s what it looks like. a lot of young people and stuff. i was like okay. this makes sense. they are doing a lot of cleaning up. but this is like the guy who cheats on his wife all the time