to give up concessions to get these delays? we don t think so. we heard from the chinese commerce minister earlier today and they said they didn t make any concessions. it s been very difficult in covering this to figure out what s going on. a lot of back-and-forth this summer over whether or not the chinese would buy more u.s. agricultural products. we know farmers in the u.s. have been suffering because of the trade war and the president said essentially they ve been dragging their feet. china came back and said, we never agreed to these additional purchases to begin with so it s hard to tell what s going on. i will say this delay doesn t necessarily solve that issue or even move us any closer to a deal. it does give the negotiators some more time to talk and i think investors picked that up. bret: here in new york tonight, how financier and the alleged sex trafficker jeffrey epstein may have killed himself last weekend in a federally
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phil and susan collins talking about that group of eight to ten senators. there s probably a subset of three or four that will be the toughest nuts to crack for mcconnell at that point to get their yes vote locked in and i don t think they re close to having those folks all locked in yet. the difficulty, i think, is that, remember when mcconnell announced, okay. we re going to postpone until after the july 4th recess. votes aren t there. we heard immediately after, well, about eight to ten senators who will be a no. here we are on july 17th still eight to ten senators that are no. that s hard. the delay doesn t appear to be convincing anyone. i also think you need to find a way to build at least the perception of momentum. so that some of these members who are on the fence feel as though, okay. i need to be for it, because there are consequences, extra consequences. why? i don t see that right now. right now if you re a no, there s really no active reason for you suddenly to become
on both sides. but certainly what s key right now, since they ve used these extraordinary procedures so they only have to pass it with 51 votes in the senate rather than the usual 60 votes, that s what s so critical. we ve had a number of republican senator expressing serious miss gave vings over the weekend. i applaud them. we ve got to we ve not only got to take on this fight with everything we have, we ve got to win. you think you can forestall a vote or do you think there will be a vote before the recess? i don t know what mitch mcconnell s plans are going to be. delay doesn t make this bill any better. we ll hear from the cbo the difference between the house and senate. but the house bill predicts 23 million americans will lose their health insurance in the next decade. and then the medicaid cuts which are worse in the senate bill than they are in the house in
this as gasoline prices have trapped dramatically in the past year and a half. falling $2.20 a gallon. the president has expressed reservations about the project and leading democratic candidate hillary clinton says hee opposes the pipeline. activists opposed to the pipeline took to the internet to hail transcanada s decision as a victory. but lawmakers on capitol hill said in this instance a delay doesn t necessarily mean a defeat. i think the fear right now is that the president was getting ready to oppose it and put a final close-down on it and this just keeps it alive. transcanada may be banking on better success with the next occupant of the white house, especially if it s a republican as each of the gop presidential candidates has expressed support for the deal. brett? kevin corke on the north lawn, thank you. veterans affairs officials subpoenaed to appear before the