how do you avoid that but still have safe coal mines? that s where you come to my proposal which is to say that you have a way to fight back. and i put it in terms of legal defense funds. and these are not legal defense funds that just defend the these are not legal defense funds that defend the innocence. they defend people guilty of violating a pointless regulation. again, this is a fund for ordinary people. it s not for big corporations. what happens is you are being harassed by a bureaucrat for city reasons, the defense fund says bureaucrat we are saying this person s case. it will not cost them a penny. we will litigate it to the max. we ll make as much work for you as we can. when you fine him, we ll reimburse the fine. i want this done not with one or two cases, i want it done with hub hundreds. i want a large fund.
friend now an eye surgeon in florida and i had a relationship. he s rich i m not he gave me gifts. the things i did for him i would have done for anybody and whether or not i got the gifts. the weak part of that defense, he didn t report any of these total over the course of how many years? about six years. that included thousand dollars a night hotels. luxury flights on the doctor s private jet down to florida. included hundreds of thousands of contributions to legal defense funds and other things. dr. melgon allegedly made contributions in senator menendez behalf to other democratic campaigns this is a very complex interwroevoven story. we broke this story at the daily caller he was taking these flights, all senators know when you fly on a private aircraft, you have to disclose it.
do with an economic inter29ing and the long-term interests vis-a-vis russia. does it make a difference even if you could have the, sort of, smoking gun toe to speak to show the link between russia and the downing of this aircraft? right. that is the critical question, how can they move forward without destabilizing their own economies. you ll recall that the way with the u.s. this past week, levied the sanctions, the sanctions were very carefully done. they re done in the way that the aim, of course, is they would have an impact on energy funds. defense funds. some of those big financial institutions but they left some wiggle room. so that is certainly going to be part of the discussions. how can they enact he s broad sanctions without having a sweeping impact on the e.u. as well. but here s one of the key points, melissa, there s so much anger right now within europe about this plane getting shot down as well.
ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet. dragon is captured. is connecting today s leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. back now with another number in today s data bank. $10,000. that s how much money mitt romney gave former virginia governor bob mcdonnell s legal defense funds. romney s donation was one of several the defense fund received in the past three months. according to the virginia public access project.
more responsive to the grass roots. i don t care, john boehner does. if jaemtd jaemd diamond says, listen, you can vote against it. put a clean up or down vote on the floor. john bohner is not going to say no to. he keeps saying he will no to that. i think sadly it s a solution, let s give it another month and come up with a grand bargain. there is no grand bargain to be had. a grand bargain was last december when you didn t have the tax increase kicking in. remember, there were going to be tax increases no matter what. there was leverage to accept tax enkrosses to get the entitlement reform. republicans will fight raise taxes to get tax reform. they won t raise defense funds held in sequestration. so there is not a grand bargain