do with an economic inter29ing and the long-term interests vis-a-vis russia. does it make a difference even if you could have the, sort of, smoking gun toe to speak to show the link between russia and the downing of this aircraft? >> right. that is the critical question, how can they move forward without destabilizing their own economies. you'll recall that the way with the u.s. this past week, levied the sanctions, the sanctions were very carefully done. they're done in the way that the aim, of course, is they would have an impact on energy funds. defense funds. some of those big financial institutions but they left some wiggle room. so that is certainly going to be part of the discussions. how can they enact he's broad sanctions without having a sweeping impact on the e.u. as well. but here's one of the key points, melissa, there's so much anger right now within europe about this plane getting shot down as well.