Repairing a cracked platform for the drilling machine in Uttarakhand s Silkyara tunnel brings hope for the trapped 41 workers. Operations halted due to cracks have resumed after fixes. A DRDO team will assess the situation, scanning beyond the cleared 46.8 meters. Workers might exit via escape pipes pending further drilling, subject to the DRDO s investigation. While no fixed timelines exist, a successful operation could see workers rescued by Saturday afternoon, marking Day 13 of the ongoing rescue from the November 12 tunnel collapse.
In May 2022, Naval Anti-Ship Missile Short Range (NASM-SR) underwent its inaugural test, fired from a Seaking helicopter of the Indian Navy . | Latest News India
India News: India's defence forces will soon have long-range cruise missiles of the Nirbhay class, developed by the DRDO, in their arsenal. These subsonic missile