Arrested on May 3 by Maharashtra’s Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), DRDO scientist Pradeep Kurulkar is facing charges pertaining to spying and wrongful communication with a female Pakistani Intelligence Operative (PIO) in a suspected case of honey trap.
The announcement was made after Prime Minister Narendra Modi s talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris. Safran and DRDO also decided to support industrial cooperation for motorization of heavy-lift helicopters under the Indian Multi Role Helicopter (IMRH) programme with Safran Helicopter Engine.
The DRDO scientist was the director, of research and development at DRDO when he reportedly shared confidential information with the Pakistani woman. The ATS claimed that the accused shared the information "in order to establish intimate relations with her". Furthermore, the chargesheet also revealed that the Pakistani agent reportedly created multiple fake accounts under different aliases in order to engage with the accused scientist. DRDO Espionage Case: Accused Scientist Dr Pradeep Kurulkar Leaked Secrets To Get Intimate With Pakistani Agent, Called Her Babe , Reveals Maharashtra ATS Chargesheet.
DRDO scientist Pradeep Kurulkar was arrested on May 3 under the Official Secrets Act and is now in judicial custody. Kurulkar and Zara Dasgupta were in contact through WhatsApp as well as voice and video calls, the chargesheet said.