Arrested on May 3 by Maharashtra’s Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), DRDO scientist Pradeep Kurulkar is facing charges pertaining to spying and wrongful communication with a female Pakistani Intelligence Operative (PIO) in a suspected case of honey trap.
A Pune court has adjourned the hearing of arrested DRDO scientist Dr Pradeep Kurulkar until June 30. Maharashtra ATS has made a Pakistani agent a co-accused in the espionage case and has requested permission to conduct a psychoanalysis test on the defence scientist. Dr Kurulkar was arrested on May 3 on charges of leaking confidential information to a woman Pakistani intelligence operative.
Pradeep Kurulkar, arrested by Maharashtra ATS for 'wrongful communication' with Pak-based intelligence operatives in a suspected case of honey trap, was to retire in November as Scientist H or 'Outstanding Scientist'
Kurulkar first came in contact with the woman in September 2022 and to remain in touch with her for six months before blocking her number, the ATS said.
The ATS also submitted in court that a forensic report of the electronic devices seized from the accused was received on Tuesday afternoon and needs to be investigated.