Delhi's Patiala House Court on Thursday transferred the extortion case against Sukesh Chandrasekhar and five others to a special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court.
The Enforcement Directorate on Friday got a three-day extension of businessman Sukesh Chandrashekhar s remand in a money laundering case in which he was arrested recently and was sent to a nine-day custody of the central agency earlier.
Delhi Patiala House court on Friday extended alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar's Enforcement Directorate (ED) custody for three more days.The agency told the court that it needed to gather details about payments made to Deepak Ramdani and .
Incarcerated alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar on Friday said his family has given him clothes, footwear, and shoes and everything the officials found during the raid was legally allowed.His comment came after the Delhi Prisons Department .