limit. the fact is we ll let the democrats put the votes up, the president driving up the debt and the president wanting to do nothing about the debt that s occurring will not engage in our long-term spending problem. so let his party give him the debt ceiling increase he wants. martha: it s your problem, you deal with it, basically. stuart varney joins us. this is surprising to a lot of people. republicans all along said no way we won t sign debt ceiling limits. now they are singing a different tune on this. reporter: a lot of republicans put conditions on the debt ceiling deal. but there weren t enough votes to get it passed. so john boehner went with a clean bill. this means no confrontation in
the world has changed. that s a hell of a comparison. this morning norquist responded. let s listen. they all said that two years ago when we were arguing over the debt ceiling limits. so their position hasn t changed, and during the debt ceiling limit we cut spending, we didn t raise taxes. so other republicans did not listen to peter king or these others. and this guy is a political loan shark. the majority of americans want to see tax rates go up on the rich, but will norquist convince enough republicans it s better to dig in their heels than to reach a compromise? tom coburn is the republican senator from oklahoma, and joe klein is a columnist for time. senator, i don t want to abuse your presence. my children think you re the greatest. i have a couple kids, one who worked on the debt commission and another one who just loves you for some reason. let s find out why. it seems to me if you look at the numbers, just arithmetic here, right now the government is taking in 15.7%
declaration of war against japan. i m not going to attack japan today. the world has changed. that s a hell of a comparison. this morning norquist responded. let s listen. they all said that two years ago when we were arguing over the debt ceiling limits. so their position hasn t changed, and during the debt ceiling limit we cut spending, we didn t raise taxes. so other republicans did not listen to peter king or these others. and this guy is a political loan shark. the majority of americans want to see tax rates go up on the rich, but will norquist convince enough republicans it s better to dig in their heels than to reach a compromise? tom coburn is the republican senator from oklahoma, and joe klein is a columnist for time. senator, i don t want to abuse your presence. my children think you re the greatest. i have a couple kids, one who worked on the debt commission and another one who just loves you for some reason. let s find out why. it seems to me if you look at the numb
i m not obligated on the pledge. made tennesseans aware, i was just elected, the only thing i m honoring is the oft i take when i m sworn in this january. when you re $16 trillion in debt, the only pledge we should be making to each other is to avoid becoming greece and republicans should put revenue on the table. i will violate the pledge, long story short, for the good of the country, only if democrats will do entitlement reform. a pledge you signed 20 years ago, 18 years ago is for that congress. for instance, if i were in congress in 1941, i would have signed the supported a declaration of war against japan. i m not going to attack jan today. the world has changed. that s a hell of a comparison. this morning norquist responded. let s listen. they all said that two years ago when we wereaing over the debt ceiling limits. so their position hasn t changed, and during the debt ceiling limit we cut spending,
i will limit government. you can choose. the people of america can choose what kind of a nation we will have. they have all the information they need. this group has chosen. there are people who have not. i want them to then how they make this choice. they have the information they need. if the president were to be rewill elected he will not be able to work with congress. don t care what he says we have four years of record. he burned a lot of bridges ignoring congress, attacks congress, demonizes congress. they will not work together. we will face another debt ceiling limits. there will be a threat of a shut down or a default. that sends chills throughout the economy and costs jobs. the president cannot work with congress to get the job done. he said he would. he didn t. i have a different view. i take him at his word.