please turn any pages or so fond of. the signals interfere with the sound system in the room. if you would, please stand and join the commission in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. thank you. ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to the roll call of commissioners. commission president joe marshall? president marshall: present. vice president mazzucco present. commissioner dejesus: present. commissioner chan: present. commissioner hammer: present. commissioner kingsley: present. president marshall: this is the regular meeting of the san francisco police commission, wednesday august 18, 2010. would you please call item 1? item 1 is approval of the minutes from the regular meetings of april 28, 2010, and may 5, 2010. president marshall: those minutes are in your packet. if there are no changes, i
that would be in terms of what languages we need to have more research resources in. supervisor chiu: as a final point of commons, i want to thank all of the city administrators who are here to move the set of reforms forward as well as the community advocates and representatives from the domestic violence consortium. it was not too long ago, 20 years ago, when policy makers are questioning whether the battered women s syndrome was really a real phenomenon. where we are today in san francisco, government gets it and is working closely to ensure provision is laid out in all forms put forward. my colleagues and i are 100% committed to making sure that all of these reforms have been in short order so we can see if we can bring the number of two homicides a year down to zero. without any further comments, let me ask if there are any other items on today s calendar. the complete the agenda for today. supervisor chiu: at this time, the meeting is adjourned. please turn any
please turn any pages or so fond of. the signals interfere with the sound system in the room. if you would, please stand and join the commission in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. thank you. ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to the roll call of commissioners. commission president joe marshall? president marshall: present. vice president mazzucco present. commissioner dejesus: present. commissioner chan: present. commissioner hammer: present. commissioner kingsley: present. president marshall: this is the regular meeting of the san francisco police commission, wednesday august 18, 2010. would you please call item 1? item 1 is approval of the minutes from the regular meetings of april 28, 2010, and may 5, 2010. president marshall: those minutes are in your packet. if there are no changes, i
we will elect whether to make it disclosed what was discussed. i would like to make a motion not to disclose what was discussed. second. item 19 is commissioners matters. i want end of day an update on the garage. they you want to put it on for next meeting for a report on it? are there any other commissioners matters? any public comment? item is closed. 20 is new business. is there any public comment? item 20 is closed. communication, is there any public comment? public comment is closed, and item 22 is adjournment. unanimous, thank you. the biggest issue in america today? segregation still exists. racism. the repression and oppression of women the educational system stem cell research homeless people cloning government health care taxation announcer: so, is there anything you re doing to help make a change? i m not really doin anything. ummmm [sighs] got me on that one. please turn any pages or so fond of. the signals interfere with the sound syste