The RJD supremo, who has been sentenced to 14 years in prison and slapped with a total fine of Rs 60 lakh, is on bail in four other cases related to Dumka, Deoghar and Chaibasa treasuries after conviction.
Lalu Prasad out of jail after completion of bail formalities; to stay in AIIMS Delhi for treatment
Lalu Prasad out of jail after completion of bail formalities; to stay in AIIMS Delhi for treatment
RJD president Lalu Prasad was released from jail on Thursday after completion of bail formalities in the Dumka Treasury case at Jharkhand s Ranchi. However, he will stay in AIIMS Delhi for some more time for treatment of his ailments.
UPDATED: April 30, 2021 01:23 IST
RJD president Lalu Prasad was released from jail Thursday evening after completion of bail formalities in the special CBI court in Ranchi. (File Photo)