May Day 2022 marked a year when worker organizing crested in historic resurgence in the U.S. Mass outrage against racism, embodied in earlier enormous Black Lives Matter protests, flowed into red-hot anger at the bosses’ exploitation of workers’ heroic frontline efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The result? Workers walked off…
black president that can properly address the racial divide. here s what ben carson said about that. i really don t think it s an issue. what i think he was trying to say is that the black community was extremely excited about his election and that their plight has not improved significantly under his administration. that is actually how a lot of people are explaining the tweet. look at what rupert murdoch tweeted last month. two stories, carson, oebama, tw men, different values. joining me now, howard dean and deborah dickerson, author of
the end of black men. is murdoch saying that obama is not black because he was raised in a white family? it s really hard to figure out what he s trying to say. i think the larger issue here is this idea that there are, you know. some sort of characteristics or qualities that make you black in this country. he s an african-american male who has dealt with racism on his part and as a president i think he s had he actually has a lot of successes that he can talk about in terms of what he has done for the african-american community. the concern here is that we re still in 2015, we re talking about whether what make as real black person in this country and i think that s just like a ridiculous type of conversation and i hope rupert murdoch would know better. deborah, president obama has spoken about this. he s spoken about trayvon martin and said he could have been his son and went on to describe his
0 powerhouse. although nobody really believes it. our exports are on a record level, they re up 50% from 2009. the ports in south carolina and georgia and miami and the west coast is where so much economic activity happens. and these are democratic states and republican states. exports as a percentage of gdp are higher than they ve ever been in the last 30 or 40 years. i don t think he makes the connection between having good ports and railroads and bridges and roads on the one hand, and not just the jobs you create when you build new stuff. but the way that it enables businesses to expand, to trade, just to do stuff more intelligently and more efficiently. he doesn t really grasp that intuitively and i don t think he talk about it in a kind of natural organic way. he talks about the $10 billion in the bank for 42 for example i think that sounds great. i want to talk to you a bit about federal state bond taxes which seems to be a bit of a sticking pointed here. which right now we don
blood literally and sometimes figuratively and wanted to show the way in which this word has wrought havoc in american culture. of course that is not all it does. one of the reasons why it was both worthy is because of the complicated word. it has a terrible history, a history of insult, history of terrorism, a history of intimidation, but of course it has been put to other uses, too. it s been made in an ironic and a term of endearment so the word nigger as a complicated word and has biomass space, but other aspects as well. .. she was a seamstress. she would say to not stay. she was a strong-willed lady who raised a slew of kids, spent most of them through college and absolutely great person. i knew her for a good portion of my life.he she used a whole lot oft different birds.she she referred to but people sometimes as color people, but she also sometimes seduce the infamous and she has been a perso word example and whose wisdom has been with me all my life. host: is it i