GLOBE Fintech Innovations Inc. (GFII), operator of the electronic wallet GCash, has joined a dozen financial technology (fintech) firms based in Asia in the launch of “Programme Sirus.” In a statement issued from Tokyo, Japan, last Tuesday, Ant International Pty. Ltd. announced that GFII is one of 13 Asian fintech…
Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) today launched the cross-border quick response (QR) payment linkage between Indonesia and Singapore.
SisBerdaya a local initiative by DANA and Ant Group dedicated to empowering Indonesian women entrepreneurs mainly from ultramicro and micro businesses announced six Grand Winners in Jakarta. They represent a diverse range of industries from food manufacturing to handicrafts.
Bank Indonesia (BI) reported that 16 banks and non-banking institutions were added as new BI-FAST participants, with the current total member count reaching .
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