The Telangana High Court has commuted the death penalty of three convicts in a case of gang rape and murder of a Schedule Caste women in 2019. The court said sentencing the convicts to undergo life.
The death sentence handed down to man convicted for killing a 4-year-old girl after raping her, was commuted by the Supreme Court to life imprisonment.
The Rajasthan High Court has commuted the death sentence awarded to four men of a family for killing four men of a family including a minor boy over a long-standing land dispute. The men even assaulted a woman.
Commuting the death sentence awarded to a man convicted of raping and killing a minor, the court asked judges to also consider the mitigating factors in favour of life imprisonment.
The Bombay High Court commuted death sentence of man to life imprisonment observing that the extra-judicial confession given by the convict showed his repent for the act.