harm her husband ben and was innocent of all the charges. sergeant terry wilson and his team of detectives, the prosecutors won their case with some big assists from may abad. now her mother is gone and will spend the rest of her life in prison. she didn t see what she had in front of her. she had her daughter. she had two grandkids that totally loved her. and now she has nothing. and greed and some amount of jealousy presumably is driving this. absolutely. no matter what, i love my mother. she was my mother. she had grandkids that adored her, that would have done anything for her. and they did. and she just threw it all away. threw it all away for money. if you go to miami beach, the fontainebleau is still there. all spruced up with a new lease on life. and may has a fresh new outlook on the rest of her life, too. come here, buddy. in 2011, may welcomed a new little guy in her life.
neglected may. she saw me as his daughter and i saw him as my father. he had no children of his own. ben, after his own stunted childhood, finally found in his grandchildren some kids who wanted to play with all his batman stuff. he did a lot of the grandfather things with them. a lot of, i think, why we saw so much of each other was because of those two boys. when she was in her late 20s, ben jr. asked may to become part of his very successful convention organizing business. she would work alongside her mother and his mother bernice. it had taken 20 years, but they were finally becoming a family. you know, when i actually became older and got into the business, he was always there, guided me and showed me how to do things. then sadness. in the spring of 2009, bernice in her late 80s slipped and taken a nasty fall getting out of her car. she struggled to the house and died. may thought the time had come. for years ben had been asking
that s all a marketing reinvention of a much-older miami beach. no, we need to go back 50 years or more when caddies with tail fins were pulling into the newest, glitziest hotel on the east coast. the fountain blue. miami should be a great city. a hotel wheeler dealer ben novak built it and they came. steven gaines wrote about it in his book fool s paradise . it became a destination for the major stars who were performing at the fountain blue and lots of movies were shot there as well. novak was the king. he found a queen in a former coca-cola model named bernice with her beauty and effortless charm, bernice turned out to be the perfect hostess to greet the celebrities, gangsters and just plain guests who made the fountain blue the scene of the day. king ben and queen bernice lived in a penthouse suite.
narcy ben s money because she had him killed. the court freezed his assets. so the big money was on ice, but may said her mother had already been then ill lis italy cleaned out safe deposit boxes kept by ben and his mother. was she on the list of people? no, she was not. she told them a story. she did. my husband is out in the car waiting and she had been dead for a week. yep. narcy was seen leaving the bank with a duffle bag. with police scrutinizing her every move and may hounding her, narcy hired new york attorney, howard tanner. he says narcy did have authority to go into those safe deposit it boxes. he also disputed may s contention that narcy was involved in her husband s beth. when she discovers ben novak, she acted consistently with how anyone else would act in that situation. and the defense attorney urged anyone looking at this case to follow the money in ben s murder.
so, who was behind all this? plenty of suspects and plenty of motives, anger, jealousy, greed. someone had 10 million reasons to kill. we look back and said, my god, i couldn t believe what i saw. you re not going to believe it either because in this case, there is a final terrifying twist. i see them with a crowbar. family affair. family affair hello. welcome to dart line extra. ben novak junior grew up surrounded by celebrities in a hotel his father owned. later ben built his own successful business and made enemies along the way. investigators wonder if a bad deal led to his murder. they also put together an unseemly family portrait. a wife with a past and a strange