neglected may. >> she saw me as his daughter and i saw him as my father. he had no children of his own. >> ben, after his own stunted childhood, finally found in his grandchildren some kids who wanted to play with all his batman stuff. >> he did a lot of the grandfather things with them. a lot of, i think, why we saw so much of each other was because of those two boys. >> when she was in her late 20s, ben jr. asked may to become part of his very successful convention organizing business. she would work alongside her mother and his mother bernice. it had taken 20 years, but they were finally becoming a family. >> you know, when i actually became older and got into the business, he was always there, guided me and showed me how to do things. >> then sadness. in the spring of 2009, bernice in her late 80s slipped and taken a nasty fall getting out of her car. she struggled to the house and died. may thought the time had come. for years ben had been asking

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Death Ben Novak Jr ,Daughter ,Lot ,Father ,Kids ,Children ,Grandchildren ,Childhood ,Batman Stuff ,Things ,Mother ,Boys ,Convention Organizing Business ,Grandfather ,Part ,20 ,Two ,Ben Novak Jr ,Family ,Business ,Sadness ,May ,Car ,House ,Spring ,2009 ,80 ,

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