Karnataka government increases dearness allowance for employees ahead of Lok Sabha elections. State Chief Minister Siddaramaiah raises DA from 38.75% to 42.5% of basic pay, benefiting pensioners as well. The hike, costing Rs 1,792.71 crore annually, is effective from January 1, 2024. Additional DA increase to 50% for UGC/AICTE/ICAR and NJPC pay scale employees. Last hike in October 2023.
7th Pay Commission DA Hike Update: The dearness allowance for central government employees is calculated based on the latest Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW). The Union government usually revises the dearness allowance twice a year — in January and July. The announcement of an increase in DA generally comes in March. With 4% DA hike, how much will the salary of central government employees increase? Check full calculation here
7th Pay Commission Dearness Allowance Latest Update: Dearness allowance is a component of salary of the government employees and pensioners, aimed at soothing the impact of inflation. Will the central government employees and pensioners get arrears for the dearness allowance (DA) and dearness relief (DR) suspended for 18 months during the COVID-19 pandemic? Finance Ministry has received a proposal. All you need to know
DA hike calculation: Union government has raised the Dearness Allowance for the employees of the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) who withdraw salaries as per the pre-revised pay scale of the 6th Central Pay Commission and 5th Central Pay Commission. The revised DA will be applicable from July 1, 2023. Check DA calculation and how much your salary will increase after the revision.