On May 15th 2005 the Gronene family was found brutally murdered in their Coeur d’Alene Idaho country home. But it didn’t take long for the police to discover that 8 year old Shasta and 9 year old Dillion were unaccounted for. This mass murder was quickly expanding into a search and rescue, but what happened and why? Trigger Warnings: Murder (Brutal & Graphic) Pedophilia Sexual Assault Child Abuse Kidnapping Survivor’s Guilt Disclaimer: Deadly Faith is a brand partner with Fahlo and makes a commission on sales made with our coupon code. Fahlo Animal Tracking Bracletts! Get 20% off!!! Coupon Code: DEADLYFAITH Stranger Things Shirt Link https:www.etsy.comlisting1544504326stranger-character-all-team-shirtst-ss4?ref=yr purchases Sherrilyn Dale Youtube Channel She is the one that talks about wanting a Jurassic World where we can drop the awful heinous criminals. https:www.youtube.com@sherrilyndaleofficial Resources: National Domestic Violence Hotline 1(800)799-7233 Open 247 Suicide
This Quoircast podcast episode is brought to you by The Deadly Faith Podcast. A true crime podcast that explores the world where religion and crime collide. In this episode we chat with Brandon Andress Brandon is the author of And So By Fire (August 2023), What Can’t Be Hidden (2021), and bestselling Beauty in the Wreckage: Finding Peace in the Age of Outrage. As a freelance writer, he has contributed his work to Relevant Magazine, ReKnew, and Zondervan. Brandon lives in Columbus, Indiana and is a graduate of Hanover College in Psychology with an MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University. You can follow Brandon on: Facebook Twitter Instagram Threads YouTube You can find all things Brandon Andress related on his website You can purchase And So By Fire on Amazon.com You can connect with This Is Not Church on: Facebook Instagram Twitter TikTok YouTube Also check out our Linktree for all things This Is Not Church related Please like and follow our Quoircast Partners : Heretic Happy Hour Messy
The Green River Killer is an American Serial Killer who claimed the lives of over 48 women from the early 1980’s to the late 1990’s. Buckle up and trigger warning on basically everything because this sicko was beyond demented. Trigger Warnings: Rape Sexual Assault Murder Necrophilia Lovely Bones Movie https:amzn.to46UtHIu (Commission Link) NCHRC.org https:www.nchrc.orgabout-2harm-reductionsafer-sex-work Follow Us On Social Media The Podcast Tik Tok @DeadlyFaithPodcast Instagram @DeadlyFaithPodcast Laci Tik Tok @Laci Bean Instagram @Laci Bean Lola Tik Tok @hellotherelola Instagram @Spellbound Shears
This Quoircast Podcast episode it brought to you by the Deadly Faith Podcast - Exploring where Religion and Crime Collide. Deadly Faith is one of our partners in Quoircast. Please like and follow the. In this episode we talk with Jeremiah Gibson Sexvangelicals is a podcast, educational platform, and community building project created by Julia Postema and Jeremiah Gibson. We are both sex and couples therapists in the Boston area. We both grew up in religious communities. While these contexts provided us with meaningful values of compassion and kindness, they did not prepare us for accessing sexuality and intimacy. What transpired was a beautiful process of unlearning shameful and fear-based messages about sexuality, relearning new and relational sexual patterns, and healing from the ways that our Christian communities got it wrong. You can follow Sexvangelicals on: Facebook Instagram You can find all things Sexvangelicals at their website Like and follow their podcast Sexvangelicals You