On May 15th 2005 the Gronene family was found brutally murdered in their Coeur d’Alene Idaho country home. But it didn’t take long for the police to discover that 8 year old Shasta and 9 year old Dillion were unaccounted for. This mass murder was quickly expanding into a search and rescue, but what happened and why? Trigger Warnings: Murder (Brutal & Graphic) Pedophilia Sexual Assault Child Abuse Kidnapping Survivor’s Guilt Disclaimer: Deadly Faith is a brand partner with Fahlo and makes a commission on sales made with our coupon code. Fahlo Animal Tracking Bracletts! Get 20% off!!! Coupon Code: DEADLYFAITH Stranger Things Shirt Link https:www.etsy.comlisting1544504326stranger-character-all-team-shirtst-ss4?ref=yr purchases Sherrilyn Dale Youtube Channel She is the one that talks about wanting a Jurassic World where we can drop the awful heinous criminals. https:www.youtube.com@sherrilyndaleofficial Resources: National Domestic Violence Hotline 1(800)799-7233 Open 247 Suicide