Part of the effort to undermine the Hobby Lobby and Conestaga Wood case is being undertaken by the President of the United States with his multiplying misuse of executive orders. Part of it is taking .
In order to live a Body and its limbs must be united! Pope Francis continued his teaching series on the Church in his Wednesday message to the faithful who gathered in St Peters Square. His topic was .
Easter is a Way of Living our Lives in Him for the Sake of the World Easter is more than a Day, it is a Way; A Way of living our lives differently now in Him. We are invited to do that by living .
Life reigns. Death dies, dealt a fatal blow at the hands of the Warrior of love We find the purpose of eternity revealed in the temporal realities of every today. The real stuff of our .
He and I both knew we had participated in the mystery we were remembering on this Good Friday. His face - and the face of his beloved - revealed the face of Jesus Christ, Love Incarnate. On Good .