Jesus washes his disciples feet, using our hands As we enter into these three days, the one day, we make this mystery our own. No mere spectators in this Act of Love we become participants. .
Let us enter fully into this Great and Holy Week Holy Week invites us to let go of self and embrace the Lord anew through continuing conversion. How desperately we all need to hear the Good .
As we learn to live the liturgical calendar, entering into the great celebrations of this week, we experience an ever-deepening call to conversion. The Liturgy of Palm or Passion Sunday, with its .
Just as the body of the Lord was glorified on the mountain when it was transfigured in the glory of God and in infinite light, so the bodies of the saints will be glorified and shine like lightning. .
Our hope depends upon the supernatural release of the only power that never fails. Love is the greatest force on earth to resist, limit, and ultimately halt evil s deadly progression. The heart of .