Bengaluru police are on the lookout for a TVS Scooty Pep+ that holds a record-breaking 634 traffic violations, accumulating a hefty penalty of Rs 3.2 lakh. The scooter, captured on surveillance at Taralabalu junction, was registered to a woman in Ganganagar, but the offender is presumed to be a male relative.
The Indian government has released subsidies totaling Rs 1,67,875 crore to the Food Corporation of India (FCI) and Rs 57,686 crore to state DCP as food subsidies between January 1, 2023, and December 15, 2023. This amount, under the National Food Security Act and Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, supports providing subsidized food grains to beneficiaries.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic), South, Shiva Prakash Devaraju said that in a recent meeting with the female traffic police staff, most attendees raised an issue over the lack of accessibility in using restrooms while they are on duty.
On December 2, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic), South, Shiva Prakash Devaraju, visited spots of two fatal accidents. The first accident happened on NICE Road and another in Ganigarapalya in Thalaghattapura traffic police station limits.