The U.S. expects to have arrangements in Gaza ready for humanitarian workers to start delivering aid this month via a new U.S.-backed sea route, timed to when the U.S. military expects to finish construction on a new floating pier. USAID officials say getting more emergency nutritional treatment to starving children is one of their priorities for Gaza.
May the 4th be with you: The first film, later retitled, "Star Wars: A New Hope" was a mere 121 minutes, two hours of intergalactic fun. This week, counting the series finale of "Star Wars: Bad Batch," Disney+ boasts 14-thousand minutes of Star Wars content. That adds up to nearly 10 full days of continuous viewing to get through the 234 hours of adventures, not counting the controversial "Star Wars Holiday Special."
Russian propaganda media reports about Moscow allegedly placing President Volodymyr Zelensky on a wanted list is a "sign of desperation," Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said on May 4.