Nightclub. Busy bar on the weekends friday and saturday nights. We are not the only bar in the neighborhood. Across the street is the horseshoe and five or six other restaurants down the street. We are the corner where everybody mingles. It is not necessarily the dorian. I cant control across the street what happens in the door doorways. What we are trying to do is we are a neighborhood bar trying to additional element to it to bring in more people, to bring in more people to the neighborhood to have the neighborhood people join us more often, add another experience to it. We dont want to do crazy bands to 4 00 a. M. We have another nightclub. We are not that. We are a restaurant with a jazz band on thursday night during happy hour, not doing craziness. That is not our plan. Other than that, we are just trying to support the neighborhood and move forward. Anyone here to testify in support of the project sponsor . Come on up. Thanks for listening to me. I am liz miller speaking on behal
Everybody mingles. It is not necessarily the dorian. I cant control across the street what happens in the door doorways. What we are trying to do is we are a neighborhood bar trying to additional element to it to bring in more people, to bring in more people to the neighborhood to have the neighborhood people join us more often, add another experience to it. We dont want to do crazy bands to 4 00 a. M. We have another nightclub. We are not that. We are a restaurant with a jazz band on thursday night during happy hour, not doing craziness. That is not our plan. Other than that, we are just trying to support the neighborhood and move forward. Anyone here to testify in support of the project sponsor . Come on up. Thanks for listening to me. I am liz miller speaking on behalf of myself as neighborhood of the dorian. We are a Neighborhood Organization in support of housing, transit and strong local businesses. I have a personal connection. I have been a patron of live music for my life and
Might happen to this property, and it feels difficult to make a decision based on speculation. President melgar commissioner moore. Commissioner moore thank you for expressing it as well as you did, commissioner johnson, because i say it slightly different, although i say the same. And then, i feel resonance in our Environmental Review officer, miss gibson, in stating there is an impact, and the mitigation which has so little teeth to it, that we cant believe that it would work, and that is basically where we are. Its basically i dont know. Ive never found myself in that kind of a situation. President melgar director rahaim. Director rahaim so i think maybe a couple of things that need to be clarified to the board. The boards decision was that they found that there may be and the operative word here is there may be an environmental impact. The language that mr. Drury put up on the screen is there may be an impact, and directed them to do an environmental analysis. And that impact was f
This block. So this is not a normal air and light situation. This is one where the building was specifically designed with purpose and access. It talks to the design intent and design characteristics that makes coxhead such a significant architect. And i believe that requires more deference, and it disturbs me that i have not heard that addressed in the pmnd as a historic character issue. Its not just the views out, it is how the light comes into the house and plays with the interior design, which was a very purposeful part of the architecture. Thank you. President melgar thank you. Next speaker, please. Honorable commissioners, my father president melgar i think you are youre part of mr. Kaufmans team. Yeah, so i cant speak. President melgar yeah. You can speak during rebuttal. Hes mr. Kaufmans son, but he does not live at the property. Therefore, hes a member of the public living at a separate address. President melgar City Attorney, what do you think . [inaudible] president melgar o
So the inventory is for the year of 2018. So there has been a change . Yes, scoring down. Yeah. Thank you. This is a great report. I appreciate it. I also you know, i realize that were mandated to do this and then we there is a formula to it. In reading it, theres still questions that i have, particularly in the nuances, you know, of what we track. So, for example, we track we see that overall waged have gone up steadily over the years, and im wondering if thats the case by industry across the board. So i mean, i think that that makes a big difference, whether we track the wages of Hotel Workers versus the wages of tech workers. I think theres a really big difference and it impacts matters of transportation. It impacts Affordable Housing, all these other things. I mean, this tool is useful for making policy. Im wondering if, as we grapple with issues in this Commission Like we looked at the intermediate rentals, for example, how we can look at how the wages have risen and for whom, you