Judge David Langham
Sometimes you get to break the news. Sometimes you are the news. But, usually, you just read the news. The art of blogging requires some temporality. Current events are generally of more interest than yesterday s news. By now, it is likely that you have noticed that the Workers Compensation Institute, postponed from the year that wasn t will be in December 2021, an accommodation to the virus that persists. So, today I merely write some more on that rescheduling, which is perhaps old news. But, read on for detail.
Oh, as The King put it,
I ll be home for Christmas this December. That is a Christmas tune, and WCI will just precede - (be)for(e) - Christmas. By then, the whole world should be vaccinated, and our path to normalcy should be well established. I recently noted my exuberance at the opportunities for handshakes, interaction, and normalcy at the WCCP/Bar Forum, in
The Evolving Issue of Body Cameras (2018). Then, in the midst of our great pandemic, then 17 year old Darnella Frazier became the Abraham Zapruder of her generation. Her video of George Floyd has been viewed more times even than the
Baby Shark Dance (because it does not get viewed on the news).
Cameras are everywhere today. I have come to expect privacy nowhere. I assume I am on camera, being recorded, at all times. Rockwell has been rattling around in my brain since 1984 why do I always feel like I m in the twilight zone and I always feel like somebody s watchin me.
Judge David Langham
The day-to-day is a struggle sometimes. There are challenges in this workers compensation community, regardless of your specialty or focus. That has been more notable in this pandemic, but true all along.
Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a situation comedy called
Cheers. In those days, production companies paid to have original, catchy introduction music for their franchises. That trend has faded, but my generation grew up with such songs. The theme from Cheers became, for a generation, a classic in its own right. One
stanza in particular came back to me in this context:
On April 22, 2021, The Florida Supreme Court issued
Advisory Opinion to the Attorney General Re: Adult Use of Marijuana. The subject of marijuana is not new to this blog. Most Americans by now have been exposed to the topic in some form. The concept or using pot for treatment of complaints has been around for decades now. And, the list of states that have decriminalized weed keeps growing. There is a
legal weed map that illustrates this in bright colors. This, like so many other examples, insists that pot is legal when in fact it has merely been decriminalized.
That is an important distinction. Congress has yet to act in legalizing marijuana. Pot remains illegal for possession or use under federal law. There are