Judge David Langham
Sometimes you get to break the news. Sometimes you are the news. But, usually, you just read the news. The art of blogging requires some temporality. Current events are generally of more interest than yesterday s news. By now, it is likely that you have noticed that the Workers Compensation Institute, postponed from the year that wasn t will be in December 2021, an accommodation to the virus that persists. So, today I merely write some more on that rescheduling, which is perhaps old news. But, read on for detail.
Oh, as The King put it,
I ll be home for Christmas this December. That is a Christmas tune, and WCI will just precede - (be)for(e) - Christmas. By then, the whole world should be vaccinated, and our path to normalcy should be well established. I recently noted my exuberance at the opportunities for handshakes, interaction, and normalcy at the WCCP/Bar Forum, in