On Tuesday, November 14, the Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents “Sugar Skull! A Día de Muertos Musical Adventure.” This charming ensemble show features a candy skeleton come to life and uses its eight-person cast to share traditional music and dance from Mexico.
Jul 01, 2021 5:30 PM
Author: Doug Dollemore
Newly detected genetic mutations could increase a person’s risk of developing ALS, according to University of Utah Health researchers Lynn Jorde (left) and Kristi Russell. Photo credit: Dave Titensor
During his 17-year career with the New York Yankees, Lou Gehrig was famed for his prowess as a hitter and for his durability on the baseball field, which earned him his nickname The Iron Horse.” Then, mysteriously, in 1938, his iron body began to figuratively rust. He couldn’t run, hit, or field his position as well as he once did. When doctors finally diagnosed his condition, the news was devastating.