This month's key openings include Margot Henderson's first pub, a third Noble Rot outpost in London, and a new venture from Brighton chefs Dave Marrow and Isaac Bartlett-Copeland.
outstanding. dave, i led the way in the beginning and dave has done an incredible job . it is a global sports brand. new balance owns his company and life saver for the league and for us. brian: i am excited for the book take a shot and the great jersey on top. magic hawaii shirt and a quote on it. read that right here. brian: i will do it. he gives order. he will take the shirt off later. take a shot. money ball meets the hang over. i got to say we had a book party. greckory peck threw it for us. and dave was in town . if you meet gretchen, the guy in detroit love gretchen. it is from andyetim and brook.
book. take a shot. remarkable story of perse verance and a crazy adventure, jake and dave is here . 12 years ago, you putut league together. congratulations and still going strong. it is next to impossible to do it? jake how did it come to pass? i read an arcticle in a terrific mag wreen and an old paul, called swing magazine going home from detroit to la, and i played lacrosse in high school and i started reading. and wasn t that great but played the game and living in los angeles for a long time and hadn t seen the game on television . here i am reading about dave marrow who started lacrosse in princeton. he is making lacrosse a life style. picked up the phone and called him. is there such a thing as