Taking note of Mehta’s submission, the bench, also comprising Justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj Misra, Friday said it will look into the report. The bench said it will give more time to Padsalgikar before seeking a status report.
No process can offer a panacea for ethnic conflict, but there are times at which a legal process could work to defuse violence, asserts Supreme Court lawyer Devvrat.
The bench directed the report to be shared only with the court for the present after the state government submitted that making public the report on arms stolen may lead to “panic” | Latest News India
The Supreme Court has ordered the Manipur government to provide a detailed status report on the recovery of stolen arms and ammunition following ethnic clashes in the state. The court demanded the report be shared confidentially, after the government claimed publicising it could cause panic. The court stressed that regardless of which side was involved, action must be taken against the illegal possession of arms. The clashes between the Meiti and Kuki communities in Manipur began in May and have resulted in the deaths of at least 163 people. | Latest News India