he said they now can no longer say that the acars system was turned off before the last point of vocal contact. they simply don t know if it was before or after, but it s very possible there was voice contact between the co-pilot before the acars system that s a data transmission system was somehow disabled, before the radar was somehow disabled. but this defense official went on to say that in no way affects where they are now searching for this flight, because that doesn t impact this satellite system that detected it flying for five to seven hours afterwards on one of these two giant arcs. does that make sense to you? well, i think that there isn t a huge amount of significance of whether the acars was switched off and the transponder was switched off and the airplane turned. the sequence of events to me is really not so important. what it does reflect is a pattern we have seen from the beginning of this investigation, which is that the evidence seems to keep changing. and the
and intensify its scrutiny of that list in an effort to find out who could have deliberately turned this plane around and turned off the system join the team. captain. the co-pilot and experts are still examining the flight similarity taken from the captain s home no actual evidence that the pilots are responsible for the disappearance of this plane. a flood of comments from the family who say they simply believe he could have been the hijacker and still expressing disbelief that the co-pilot could be responsible. malaysia says they it are on heightened security and they are, of course, examining every possible security shortcoming. this investigation is now classified under section 130 c of malaysian s penal code that covers, hijacking, and
judge the angle from which the signals came. with that, i turn to some of the best minds in aviation and air investigations. john lucic joins me here in new york, former commercial pilot, former criminal investigator and founder of the high-tech crime network. and richard quest, our aviation expert here at cnn. and then also from denver, on the left-hand side of your screen, we re joined by former air accident investigator, david souci. bare with me. i want to nail down some key issues about the time line, the events as we know them. they have changed. they have changed since the beginning, so a reset. it s monday, things are new now. at 12:41 a.m. local time, flight 370 departs kuala lumpur en route to beijing. that much is the same. at 1:07:00 a.m., the plane s acars system, the data transmission system, it transmits for the very last time. then at 1:19 a.m., someone in
uttered those words or after. joining us crash investigator matt robinson and former 777 pilot jesse bicson. welcome to both of you. if you wanted to evade radar as a former 777 pilot, could you do that? is that typical training of a 777 pilot? how could you go about preparing yourself to do this? well, it s not typical training and they don t teach us how to evade radar. but as pilots we do know what is required to have an aircraft intear interrogated from the corridor. the acar system is crucial because that acar system is basicalli gives a position report to the company as to what altitude, what airspeed and, key, how much fuel you have on that airplane at that particular time matt,
transmission, the words all right, good night seemingly calm and happy were said after the tracking system was switched off. cnn also learned that police searched the home of the pilot and the co-pilot, shown here, after the country s prime minister confirmed the plain plaen was likely deliberately diverted. richard quest here again. so many questions to go over. i wonder if we can ask first to explain to our viewers who might not have heard this yet the significance of the se questing now, the idea that everything was fine and dandy, good night came after one of the systems was turned off. this is not this is straight forwardly from the prime minister s statement. and aisle caveat it before, after and in the middle. people are not speaking with the precision of the final report. no question. the prime minister says the acars data transmission system is switched off or disabled, as