The Delhi High Court has issued a stay on proceedings in a first information report (FIR) filed against Hero MotoCorp and its Chairman Pawan Munjal in an alleged bill forgery case. The FIR, filed by the Delhi Police, accuses certain officials of Hero MotoCorp of forgery, falsification of accounts, criminal conspiracy, and cheating. Hero MotoCorp has stated that the case is an old matter dating back to 2009-10 and involves a disgruntled service provider.
The Delhi High Court has issued a stay on proceedings in a first information report (FIR) filed against Hero MotoCorp and its Chairman Pawan Munjal in an alleged bill forgery case. The FIR, filed by the Delhi Police, accuses certain officials of Hero MotoCorp of forgery, falsification of accounts, criminal conspiracy, and cheating. Hero MotoCorp has stated that the case is an old matter dating back to 2009-10 and involves a disgruntled service provider.
The Delhi High Court on Thursday stayed the cheating case proceedings against Hero MotoCorp's MD & CEO Pawan Munjal, according to sources.The High Court is also expected to hear the plea against Hero MotoCorp's forgery case on December .