Nominations for officers The second nomination for 2023-2024 officers for the Alfred H. Wedgewood American Legion Post 374 will be held at 10 a.m. April 2 at
Pet Photos with The Easter Bunny The Hancock County Humane Foundation will present Pet Photos with The Easter Bunny from noon to 5 p.m. April 1 at America’s
Tops 1341
GLENMOOR Ohio Tops 1341 met at the Glenmoor Presbyterian Church on April 26, with leader, Dorothy Garn presiding.
Dena White was the best loser and Darla Varney was the runner up.
Judy McComas presented a program on recycling, honoring Earth Day. Recycling makes us feel good and therefore promotes our well being.
The meetings are held every Monday. Weigh in is 1:15 to 2 p.m.. The meetings are 2 – 2:45 p.m. New members are welcome.
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Daily Newsletter
Apr 26, 2021
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Salem VFW Post 892 and Commander Douglas Brannon sponsored Justin Tungate from Scout Troop 2006 in Salem to build flag drop boxes to help with his Eagle Scout award. Justin built three boxes to be placed at the post and another to be placed at the Perry Township Police Department. Any used, old flags can be dropped off at these places and the flags will be disposed of in the proper manner.
Damascus Garden
DAMASCUS The Damascus Garden Club, a member of the Garden Club of Ohio Inc., met April 15 at the Pearce House. First Vice-President Marilyn Wingett opened the meeting with greetings to the six members present. The poem, “It’s Spring,” submitted by Val Knoedler was read. Cards were signed for four members unable to attend. The minutes of the October 2020 meeting were read and approved with one correction. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. Correspondence from the Garden Club of Ohio thanked the club for its donation to the schola