Bango (AIM: BGO), the global platform for data-driven commerce, today announces the following information relating to directors disclosure under Schedule Two, paragraph (g) of the AIM Rules for Companies: On 3 December 2019, the Company announced that Sir Eric Peacock had been appointed to the Bango Board. In addition to the information in that announcement, Sir Eric was (and remains) a director of The Big Cat Sanctuary Limited and The Big Cat Sanctuary Experiences Limited. Sir Eric s former directorships within the previous five years also included Halo International Furniture Ltd (as referred to in the text of the announcement dated 3 December 2019) and Cimex Ltd. Sir Eric was a director of Cimex Media Limited at the time it entered into a creditors voluntary liquidation in 2012 and was subsequently dissolved in 2018. After liquidator s expenses, creditors received nil.