Bango (AIM: BGO), the global platform for data-driven commerce, today announces the following information relating to directors' disclosure under Schedule Two, paragraph (g) of the AIM Rules for Companies:
On 3 December 2019, the Company announced that Sir Eric Peacock had been appointed to the Bango Board. In addition to the information in that announcement, Sir Eric was (and remains) a director of The Big Cat Sanctuary Limited and The Big Cat Sanctuary Experiences Limited. Sir Eric's former directorships within the previous five years also included Halo International Furniture Ltd (as referred to in the text of the announcement dated 3 December 2019) and Cimex Ltd. Sir Eric was a director of Cimex Media Limited at the time it entered into a creditors' voluntary liquidation in 2012 and was subsequently dissolved in 2018. After liquidator's expenses, creditors received nil.