But from the mangled name on her stern to her bow, all 791 feet revealed a savage beating. Tonight, investigators share el faros final moments. You were listening to the voices of the lost, and you knew it. Yes. Yes. And that was really tough to listen to. These caged lions have never had it so good. They got to this temporary rescue Center Thanks to the unrelenting efforts of jan creamer and tim phillips. Creamer and phillips told us that that all 24 lions here had been repeatedly beaten in traveling circuses. The lions sounded like they wanted to tell us themselves. lion roaring this was the first time we had an interview interrupted by roaring. Im steve kroft. Im lesley stahl. Im bill whitaker. Im anderson cooper. Im scott pelley. Those stories, tonight on 60 minutes. Finally. Hey ron theyre finally taking down that schwab billboard. Oh, not so fast, carl. Oh no. Schwab, again . Index investing for that low . Thats three times less than fidelity. And four times less than vanguard. W
Titanic, the ship was upright, but from the mangled name on her stern to her bow, all 791 feet revealed a savage beating. Tonight, investigators share el faros final moments. You were listening to the voices of the lost, and you knew it. Yes. Yes. And that was really tough to listen to. These caged lions have never had it so good. They got to this temporary rescue Center Thanks to the unrelenting efforts of jan creamer and tim phillips. Creamer and phillips told us that that all 24 lions here had been repeatedly beaten in traveling circuses. The lions sounded like they wanted to tell us themselves. lion roaring this was the first time we had an interview interrupted by roaring. Im steve kroft. Im lesley stahl. Im bill whitaker. Im anderson cooper. Im scott pelley. Those stories, tonight on 60 minutes. Finally. Hey ron theyre finally taking down that schwab billboard. Oh, not so fast, carl. Oh no. Schwab, again . Index investing for that low . Thats three times less than fidelity. And f
Titanic, the ship was upright, but from the mangled name on her stern to her bow, all 791 feet revealed a savage beating. Tonight, investigators share el faros final moments. You were listening to the voices of the lost, and you knew it. Yes. Yes. And that was really tough to listen to. These caged lions have never had it so good. They got to this temporary rescue Center Thanks to the unrelenting efforts of jan creamer and tim phillips. Creamer and phillips told us that that all 24 lions here had been repeatedly beaten in traveling circuses. The lions sounded like they wanted to tell us themselves. lion roaring this was the first time we had an interview interrupted by roaring. Im steve kroft. Im lesley stahl. Im bill whitaker. Im anderson cooper. Im scott pelley. Those stories, tonight on 60 minutes. Finally. Hey ron theyre finally taking down that schwab billboard. Oh, not so fast, carl. Oh no. Schwab, again . Index investing for that low . Thats three times less than fidelity. And f
The pentagon is investigating the circumstances of the strike believed to have been carried out by a u. S. Aircraft. A new report says the fees we pay to use an outofnetwork atm are new record highs nationwide. The average 4. 52. Also at record highs are Overdraft Fees. They now average 33. 07. Those are some of our top stories on this monday, october 5th. From abc news, this is world news now. Hey, good morning. We begin this half hour with the stubborn storm still lashing the carolina coastline after a weekend of historic flooding, even more rain still on the way. Can you believe it . Hundreds of stranded drivers and families had to be plucked from their cars in South Carolina. In fact, so many. Officials say they lost count. At least seven people have died and more doortodoor Search Operations are planned for today. Abcs rob marciano is there. Reporter a stubborn system battering the east coast for nearly four days. And it wont give up. This is deep. Reporter historic rain. For char
Because birds eat seeds and squirrels do not. I was thinking about the nutcracker part of the name. So i guess a, bird, please. [laughs] is that your final . Sure, yes. Sure, yes. Hopefully, fingers crossed. Its been a good vacation either way. Either way, absolutely. Itll be better if i give you 1,000. Thats right way to go. Thank you. Nicely done. Thank you. Stick around. Im giving you 1,000. Congratulations to matthew. What a great run for that young man. Thank you for watching. For everyone whos been a part of this one, im chris harrison. Well see you next time. [applause] crowd one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten [cheers and applause] closed captioning sponsored by [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts to make Peanut Butter so deliciously creamy. It always makes the home team cheer. Thats why choosy moms and dads choose jif. It always makes the home team cheer. My congestions out of my way strong. Allegrad®. A fast nondrowsy ant