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But from the mangled name on her stern to her bow, all 791 feet revealed a savage beating. Tonight, investigators share el faros final moments. You were listening to the voices of the lost, and you knew it. Yes. Yes. And that was really tough to listen to. These caged lions have never had it so good. They got to this temporary rescue Center Thanks to the unrelenting efforts of jan creamer and tim phillips. Creamer and phillips told us that that all 24 lions here had been repeatedly beaten in traveling circuses. The lions sounded like they wanted to tell us themselves. lion roaring this was the first time we had an interview interrupted by roaring. Im steve kroft. Im lesley stahl. Im bill whitaker. Im anderson cooper. Im scott pelley. Those stories, tonight on 60 minutes. Finally. Hey ron theyre finally taking down that schwab billboard. Oh, not so fast, carl. Oh no. Schwab, again . Index investing for that low . Thats three times less than fidelity. And four times less than vanguard. 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Cooper the polls say you cant win. Marine le pen translated laughs yes. They also said that brexit wasnt going to happen, that donald trump wasnt going to be elected, wasnt even going to be his partys nominee. Well, theyre saying that less and less now. They are much more cautious, much more cautious now. Cooper the nationalist policies Marine Le Pen embraces are gaining supporters throughout france and around the world. Shes hostile to free trade, rejects open borders and says globalization, promoted for decades by frances political elites, is destroying her country. So, how do you explain what is happening . Did leaders go too far . Le pen translated yes. Yes. Of course, theyve gone too far. Globalization has become an ideology with no constraints. And now, nations are forcing themselves back into the debate. Nations with borders we control, with people that we listen to, with real economies; not wall street economies, but rather factories and farmers. And this goes against this unregulated globalization wild, savage globalization. Cooper savage globalization . Le pen translated yes, savage, of course. Wild globalization has benefited some, but its been a catastrophe for most. Cooper a catastrophe, she says, which has ravaged the French Economy as jobs have faded away and immigrants have flooded in many of them muslim immigrants from north africa who le pen says are draining resources, rejecting french values and transforming the culture. One of the concerns of many of your supporters is that immigration, current immigration is changing the character of france. Its changing the spirit of the country . Le pen translated its because of this massive immigration and more in some places that frances image has undeniably changed. There are a number of neighborhoods where you are no longer living a french life. Thats undeniable. Cooper france is still a country of bistros and fine bordeaux, baguettes and bucolic churches, but immigrants now make up 12 of the population, and theyve brought with them new beliefs and customs, couscous and kebabs, head scarves and an outfit called the burkini a fullbody swimsuit for muslim women thats become the latest flashpoint in a raging culture war. We were surprised at just how far Marine Le Pen was willing to go to enforce assimilation. Le pen translated france isnt burkinis on the beach. France is brigitte bardot. Thats france. Cooper should muslim people be allowed to wear headscarves . Le pen translated no. Im opposed to wearing headscarves in public places. Thats not france. Theres something i just dont understand the people who come to france, why would they want to change france, to live in france the same way they lived back home . Cooper its not just headscarves. Le pen says she would ban yarmulkes in public, any conspicuous symbol of religious belief. Would a sikh person allowed to be. Wear a turban . Le pen translated no, not in public. We dont have a lot of sikhs in france. Weve got some, but we dont really hear much from them or about them, which is good news. Cooper her views go to the heart of a debate thats been raging in the country for decades over what it means to be french, and whos responsible for the failure of some immigrants to become fully integrated into French Society. Le pen translated massive immigration brings with it cultures that are sometimes in contradiction with our values. Cooper there are many people in france who view your party as antiislamic, antimuslim . Le pen translated im not waging a religious war. Its clear that in france, everyone has the right to practice their religion, to worship as they choose. My war is against islamic fundamentalism. Cooper le pen blames fundamentalism but also immigration for the terror attacks in france that have killed more than 200 people in the last two years, though half of the attackers were actually born in the country. She wants to shut down the mosques that she says encourage fundamentalism, tighten borders, drastically reduce Legal Immigration and expel all illegal immigrants. Cooper youre talking about deporting them . Le pen translated expulsion. Its the law, its french law. Cooper theres a lot of fear among some immigrants about the idea of you becoming president. Le pen translated i think a lot of people are trying to scare them. But in reality, they have nothing to fear. You know, people who behave need not worry. Foreigners in france who hold a job, who respect our laws, our codes, have absolutely nothing to worry about. Cooper many people are worried, though, because the le pen name carries a lot of baggage in france. Her father, jeanmarie le pen, is a political pugilist and provocateur who cofounded the National Front in the early 70s. The party became a haven for racists and antisemites. Jeanmarie le pen famously dismissed the nazi gas chambers as a mere detail of history, and courts have repeatedly found him guilty of questioning the holocaust. He is a despised figure. One night, when marine was eight, a massive bomb was detonated just outside the family apartment. Incredibly, no one was killed. She took us back to her Old Neighborhood and the site of the attack. Le pen translated the building was torn apart. The back of the building was completely destroyed. Cooper were you inside at the time . Le pen translated yes. Yes, we were sleeping, and the bomb went off at 4 00 in the morning. Its really strange. I have not been back for 40 years. Never. Cooper her fathers bigotry cast a long shadow. At school, le pen says teachers who resented his politics took it out on her. She had to develop a thick skin at an early age. Le pen translated it was my first entry into politics. Cooper youre prepared for anything. Le pen translated i think so, yes. laughs cooper jeanmarie le pen ran for president five times, but was never able to be anything more than an opposition figure. When marine took over his National Front party in 2011, she began rebranding it; banishing Party Members who made antisemitic remarks. It was a process that came to be known as the dedemonization of the National Front. Two years ago, in a move worthy of shakespeare, she kicked her own father out of the party he founded. Cooper do you have any contact with him . Le pen translated no, no, no, i dont have any contact with him now. We broke up. Broke up politically. It was a very clear decision on my part to have a political break, which he turned into a family breakup, a personal breakup. And that was his choice. Cooper le pen is now a practiced politician. As a member of the european parliament, she spent years polishing her persona as a straighttalking working mom and french everywoman, doing her best to make people forget her partys past. Its interesting. When you go to a Marine Le Pen rally or you look at her posters, you dont see her last name. You dont even see the. Really, the name of the party very much. Nonna mayer but she is right. If she wants to succeed, she must cut all links with that past. She is the daughter of Jean Marie Le pen, and, for her, thats an obstacle. Cooper nonna mayer is a professor in paris and considered a leading authority on the National Front. Shes tainted because of her last name. Mayer yes. She is a le pen. Cooper and in france, that name is still toxic. Mayer yes. Cooper but mayer says that while her father and his anti semitic rhetoric may be gone, the nationalist ideology of the National Front hasnt really changed. Mayer there have been cosmetic changes. Cooper cosmetic changes. Mayer but for the rest, at the heart of the party, the very base of its message is the idea that youre going to keep the jobs, social benefits, the. Everything, employment. All will be reserved to the french, french citizens. Cooper french citizens, instead of immigrants to the country, will have priority over access to jobs, housing, welfare. Mayer everything. You have two kinds of People Living in france, the french and the others. Cooper that view of French Society us versus them is gaining new converts among people who never would have considered voting for the National Front before. Emmanuel rignaux weve tried other candidates. Cooper Emmanuel Rignaux says. Rignaux theres only one person we havent tried, and thats marine. So we say, lets give her a shot. Cooper in a country with 10 unemployment twice what it is in the u. S. Le pen has built a stronghold in the northern rustbelt where factories have closed and jobs have disappeared. While she may be a candidate of the far right, some of her policies come straight out of the playbook of the french left. She promises more government benefits and greater worker protections. When donald trump says, make America Great again, are you saying, make france great again . Le pen translated yes, of course. Ive been saying that for many years. We are a great nation which has a lot to offer to the world. But to offer something to the world, france has to remain france. Cooper she calls for a radical shift in the countrys foreign policy, vowing to renegotiate its membership in the European Union or else leave altogether, a move that could result in the breakup of the e. U. , and just like president trump, shes questioned the role of nato and advocates closer ties with russia. What is your admiration for russia, for Vladimir Putin . Le pen translated look. Im not a fan in a rock concert, you see. I am a political leader in a great nation of the world. What interests me are frances interests. Cooper you dont believe russias a threat for europe . Le pen translated i dont believe that at all. I think thats a big scam. Cooper invasion in ukraine, invasion of crimea . Le pen translated ill tell you what the danger is for europe. Its carrying out a cold war against russia and pushing russia into chinas arms. Thats the threat to europe. Cooper you dont think Vladimir Putin, though, is a killer . Is a. Is a. A threat to france, to others in this region . Le pen translated no, i dont believe it is so. Nothing Vladimir Putin has done would make me reach that conclusion. Cooper her views on russia and Vladimir Putin have drawn scrutiny, particularly because three years ago, a russian bank loaned her more than 11 million to fund her party. Cooper your critics will say that that influences you in your opinion of russia. Le pen translated why would it influence me . When you take out a loan, whats your obligation other than paying it back . You have no other obligation. But if you know an American Bank that wants to lend me money, by all means, because im still looking for funds particularly since french banks, for political reasons, have refused to give us a loan to allow us to campaign. cheers cooper that russian loan, and a widening probe into her partys finances, have not quieted the frenzy that now follows Marine Le Pen everywhere. With less than two months to go before the first votes are cast, she and her party are closer to power than ever. Le pen vive les peuples vive La Republique vive la france is Marine Le Pen donald trump with a french accent . Anderson cooper says not exactly. Go to 60minutesovertime. Com. Sponsored by lyrica. Before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. I was active. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. 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Last year, we showed you the hunt for el faro. Now, investigators have a wealth of new evidence, because they have heard the voices of the lost. Exploring the mystery off the bahamas took ten months of patience, millions of dollars, and technology able to reach three miles into a world of total darkness. We were aboard the u. S. Navys apache that discovered the wreck in october 2015, 30 days after el faro went down. The ship was found upright, but from the mangled name on her stern, to her bow, all 791 feet revealed the wounds of a savage beating. She had collided with a hurricane named joaquin. This is captain michael davidsons last report. Michael davidson i have a marine emergency. We had a. A. A hull breach. A scuttle blew open during a storm. We have water down in threehold with a heavy list. Weve lost the main propulsion unit. The engineers cannot get it going. Pelley captain davidson was a 30year veteran of the sea, married with two daughters. His crew included third mate jeremie riehm on the far right, married with a son and a daughter. Danielle randolph, the second mate, had dreamed of the sea since she was a little girl. And the chief engineer, richard pusatere, had a wife and a baby girl. Brian young this accident was unique in the fact that we didnt have any survivors to interview that would enlighten us to the events and the situation that took place aboard the vessel as they approached the storm. Pelley you were missing a lot of pieces from the jigsaw puzzle. Young absolutely. Pelley the key piece of the puzzle had been denied brian young, the safety boards lead investigator. This was el faros voyage data recorder, like the voice recorders on airliners. It captured the conversations on the bridge, and it should have been on top of this structure, called the house. But the top of the house, the bridge and deck below had been ripped away. They were eventually found half a mile from the wreck. But still, there was no sign of the voyage data recorder, also called a v. D. R. The search vessel apache ran out of time. Eric stolzenberg the big challenge was locating the v. D. R. , which was only about a foot by eight inches. Pelley safety board investigator Eric Stolzenberg returned six months later, in april of last year, with the Research Vessel atlantis. Sonar found 150 targets, and they began to visit each one. Stolzenberg so, in a way, youre stumbling in the dark. And even though something should be right in front of you, it isnt. It can be ten or more meters off to the left or right pelley its like crawling on your hands and knees with the flashlight . Stolzenberg thats a good description, yes. Pelley after five days, their light flashed on a strip of reflective tape on the v. D. R. Four months later, special equipment was brought in to grab it. No commercial recorder had ever been recovered this deep, where the pressure is nearly 7,000 pounds per square inch. Jim ritter this capsule was contained inside the larger capsule. Pelley salvaging the clues was up to jim ritters lab at the n. T. S. B. In washington. Ritter this is the actual Circuit Board that contains the memory. This tiny device with these two memory chips right here contain the entire 26 hours of information from the voyage data recorder. Pelley this card captured the sound from six microphones on the bridge. By law, the audio is never released to the public, but investigators produced a 500 page transcript. Young it was incredibly moving. We listened to the entire v. D. R. From start to finish, and at the end of it the team was completely silent. Nobody spoke. Pelley what was it on the tape that moved you so much . Young we knew when that recording was going to end, and we knew what a tragic ending it was going to be, whereas i know the crew did not know that. That was very difficult for us, to watch that clock count down to the end of the recording. Pelley you were listening to the voices of the lost, and you knew it. Young yes. Yes. And that was really tough to listen to. Pelley the recording begins the day before the disaster. El faro was 150 miles from jacksonville, headed south to puerto rico with a cargo ranging from frozen chickens to cars. Joaquin at the time was just a tropical storm, but captain davidson ordered a course change to keep his distance. On the voyage recorder, hes heard saying to the chief mate, this is why you watch the weather all the time. Later, he predicted, it should be fine. Then, he corrected himself, not should be, were going to be fine. Young what we have learned from the v. D. R. Is that multiple Weather Reports were being sent to the ship. The watch officers on the bridge were receiving Weather Reports that were printed out in black and white, and mostly text. And then, the captain was receiving a graphicallydepicted Weather Report in his office every six hours. Pelley which were more accurate . Young the ones on the bridge were more accurate, in terms of time, whereas the system that the captain received was six hours behind. Pelley the Weather Information the captain was receiving in his office, a deck below the bridge, was six hours old . Young correct. Pelley in a storm that is developing more rapidly than most hurricanes ever do . Young correct. Pelley after the storm strengthened into a hurricane, the chief mate, steve shultz, suggested another course change, and davidson agreed. Davidson said, well be passing clear on the backside of it. The faster were going, the better. Then, the captain left the bridge for eight hours. El faro had 11 hours left. How unusual, in your experience, for a captain to be eight hours in his cabin going into a storm like this . Young its a difficult question to answer. This captain on this accident was convinced that they were on the better side of the storm already, and that they were going to beat the storm. But he was using the information he had, which was outdated, to make these decisions. Pelley that was critical, because the hurricane was getting closer, tracking farther south than forecast. At 11 00 p. M. , third mate jeremie riehm called the captain in his quarters to say that in five hours el faro would be 22 miles from the center, with gusts to 120 and strengthening. After 1 00 a. M. , second mate Danielle Randolph called the captain again to say, it isnt looking good right now. Twice, riehm and randolph suggested this new route, shown in green, but captain davidson declined. Any idea what hes doing down there . Is he asleep . Young there were some references made by the mates after the phone call, suggesting he may have been sleeping. Pelley why didnt the junior officers, sensing danger, just decide to change course on their own if the captain wasnt there . Young all officers are taught to respect the chain of command. And to change the ships course without the captains permission is. Is very drastic. Pelley second mate randolph sent an email to her mother, laurie bobillot. Bobillot she never wanted to worry me, but for her to send me an email during, to say, heading straight for it, give my love to everyone, she knew. She knew she was. They were doomed. Im sorry, but she knew. Pelley and when you read that email at that moment . Bobillot i knew she was gone. I knew that was it. Pelley at 4 00 a. M. , after eight hours below, the captain returned to the bridge, saying hed been sleeping like a baby. Now, the storm was upon them. They had three hours left. About the heavy seas, davidson told the crew, this is every day in alaska, this is what its like. But then, davidsons ship began to fail him. Water was pouring into a cargo hold from an open hatch and a ruptured pipe. El faro leaned into a 15 degree list. The extreme tilt of the ship caused the engines lubricating oil to flow away from the pump that was meant to circulate it. Young every indication weve heard from the v. D. R. Said that there was a loss of Lube Oil Pressure to the engine. Pelley so, now the oil isnt circulating in the engine. Young and the engine has safety shutdowns. If there is no oil, the engine will shut itself down. Pelley they are dead in the water. Young and at the mercy of the sea. Pelley el faro was battered by waves as high as 30 feet. Captain davidson ordered chief mate steve shultz to investigate the flooding in the hold. Richard pusatere, the chief engineer, was fighting to restart the engine. In the audio, the crew on the bridge seems calm, deliberate. One makes coffee and another says, give me the splenda, not the regular sugar. They had 50 minutes left. Young they werent able to keep up with the water coming in. The list is getting worse. The engine has failed. Theyre running out of options. Pelley at 7 12 a. M. The captain ordered second mate randolph to send a distress message. Cargo containers crashed overboard. The bow went under. Young the abandon ship signal is sounded, and the captain directs everybody to leave the ship. Pelley but davidson would not leave the bridge; a crewman was trapped there. The list was so great that the man couldnt climb up to the exit. Is there panic . Young we only hear whats on the bridge, but the captain was extremely calm right to the end. Pelley the crewman said, youre going to leave me. Im not leaving you, davidson said. Lets go. I cant, said the seaman. Im a goner. No, youre not, davidson urged. Lets go. Claudia shultz it was not an easy thing to read. Pelley Claudia Schultz is the widow of chief mate steve shultz. Shultz i didnt let my kids read. Till this day, they havent read it. Pelley because it hurts too much . Shultz yes. Its too painful to read their fathers last words. Pelley tina riehm is the widow of jeremie riehm, who had suggested a different course. Riehm i felt relief because i was able to read it, to know what happened that day. And i. And i read it like i was with him that day, like i was standing there with him, reading. So, i was relieved i didnt have to use my imagination anymore. Pelley at 7 39 a. M. There was a building rumble. Captain davidson yelled to his trapped crewman. Its time to come this way, and the recording ends. Frank pusatere the crew performed heroically, you know . And they didnt just give up. Pelley Frank Pusatere is the father of the chief engineer, richard pusatere. Pusatere the transcript read like a suspense novel, and you were expecting or i was expecting oh, its going to be a happy ending, you know . But, you know, going through it, i knew, you know, what i was reading was going to be the end of the vessel and, you know. And the crew. Pelley the safety boards conclusions are expected later this year. Of the 33, not one of the crew was recovered. Their only remains are their words that tell a mariners story of life and death, and the unforgiving sea. I realize that ah, that 100k is not exactly a fortune. Well, a 103 yeah, 103. Well, let me ask you guys. How long did it take you two to save that . A long time. Then its a fortune. Well, im sure you talk to people all the time who think 100k is just pocket change. Right now were just talking to you. I told you we had a fortune. Yes, you did. Getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today. Tomorrows the day besides video games. Every day is a gift. Especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto. A breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. 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Their work helped lead to local laws banning most wild animals from circuses in more than 15 u. S. States, and to national bans in more than 20 countries. Their latest successes have been across south america, where they spent years recording animal cruelty on hidden cameras. We caught up with jan and tim in peru, along with two dozen lucky lions theyd recently rescued from travelling circuses. A warning some of the pictures later in this report are disturbing. These caged lions have never had it so good. They got to this temporary rescue Center Thanks to the unrelenting efforts of jan creamer and tim phillips and members of the organization they founded, animal defenders international. Creamer and phillips told us all 24 lions here had been repeatedly beaten in travelling circuses. The lions sounded like they wanted to tell us themselves. Hold on just a second. This was the first time we had an interview interrupted by roaring. Creamer this is their morning song. Whitaker morning song . Phillips if it was you or i, itd be, wheres the hell my coffee . Whitaker laughs i do sound like that when i havent had my coffee. Jan and tim rescue more thanon h America Campaign after seeing a chimpanzee named toto chained outside a circus in chile. Creamer theyd smashed his teeth to punish him. They were stubbing cigarettes out on him. Phillips jan shot that picture, and he just gazed across at the andes. It almost looked like he was looking mournfully at what hed lost. We determined to rescue him, and we took him all the way home to africa. Whitaker a judge, appalled by totos treatment, had given custody to jan and tim. Creamer our role is to take them from where they are, where theyre suffering, and put them where they. They need to be. monkey screeches whitaker in south america, their team recorded this hidden camera footage of abuse, which is hard to watch. Phillips what we did was, we put a Team Undercover inside the south american circuses, and they stayed there for almost two years just gathering evidence, filming, photographing. And so, youre living in the heart of the circus, but thats how you get the really amazing evidence. Whitaker many of their pictures were taken by undercover cameraman alexis diaz. When circus workers discovered what he was doing, they beat him up and broke his leg. Still, he kept working to collect evidence. Creamer lots of our evidence has been used by prosecutors for cruelty convictions. Just one beating of an animal isnt going to secure a conviction; you have to show a pattern of behavior. Whitaker some circuses claim they train wild animals without abuse, using food and positive reinforcement, but creamer and phillips insist beatings are routine, because performing tricks is unnatural for wild animals. They only comply out of fear. Phillips if youve got a dangerous animal, that means subjugation and so. Whitaker subjugation means beating . Creamer absolutely. Its all about control, and how they are going to make it do what they want it to do. So, its a kick, its a punch, its a beating. Phillips and really, weve seen that everywhere weve gone. This is. Whitaker everywhere . Phillips yeah. In europe, in america, in south america. There are certain consistencies in the way that these circus animals are looked after. Creamer using violence is the way that these animals are made to do things that they dont want to do. They dont want to get up and perform, so they have to force them to do it. Whitaker so, when you made this Video Evidence public, what was the reaction . Phillips the reaction was instant. I mean, it. It really was just outrage. And then, the politicians were starting to hear about it and say, well, we should probably have legislation here. Whitaker bolivia was the first country in south america to ban wild animal acts. Other countries have followed suit . Creamer absolutely. Colombia, peru, theres over 30 countries. Whitaker but in peru, the new law led to their next challenge enforcement. Lion acts were outlawed, but local police were not equipped to pick up the lions or care for them, so jan and tim said their organization would take in the lions. They brought police for protection during the seizures, because circuses resisted handing over their moneymakers. Phillips yeah. They threaten to release the animals into the streets, and we try to. Whitaker seriously . To let wild animals run through the streets if you come down hard on them . Phillips thats right. Whitaker when they raided the circus in cusco, peru, they rescued three lions. But the circus refused to release its star attraction, a lion named smith. The circus demanded police get another court order for smith. While jan and tim worked on that, smith had to keep performing. Creamer he was unstable and upset because his family had been broken up, and then he was forced into the ring. That was not the time to put someone in the ring with him. Whitaker a Grade School Teacher volunteered to have smith jump over her, but smith had other ideas. screams screams amazingly, she jumped right up and was not badly hurt, because hed grabbed her by her collar. Some viewers wanted smith killed, but jan and tim came back to save him. And after what smith did to the teacher, the circus was forced to give him up. One year later, smiths favorite toys are soccer balls. They dont last long. Sharp teeth. So, have you seen a big difference in his behavior since he came here . Creamer huge difference. Whitaker whats changed . Creamer hes not frightened, hes playful, confident. Whitaker how was he before . Creamer wired, nervous, neurotic. Whitaker why does he not have a mane . Creamer when you castrate the males, they lose their mane. Whitaker do you have a favorite . Creamer i do have a very soft spot for leo. So, leos getting special attention again. Phillips the very first lion we rescued and loaded on this was a old lion called leo, and he just looked broken. Every tooth had been smashed, all of his canines. And he just looked like hed given up. Within weeks, his coat was looking healthier, and hes just blossomed. Hes like a real kitten again. He, too, likes playing with soccer balls, but with few teeth. Whitaker hes the one who just gums it. Creamer yes. Whitaker each ball lasts a lot longer. Rapunzel also has made a remarkable transition. Jan said when they came to take her from the circus, rapunzel had never been out of her cage. Creamer shed been born in there, her mother had died in there, her father had died in there and shed never been outside. So, when we brought our cage up to it and we opened the doors to try and transfer her, she was afraid. Whitaker jan said it took more than an hour to entice her out. Rapunzel was also afraid of hay because shed never seen it. But, as you can see, shes gotten over that. Plenty of circuses like this one still are crisscrossing peru with lots of human acts to entertain. But the government told us, thanks to the efforts of jan and tim, there are no more wild animals not a single one still performing in peru. Lions that had been malnourished now get to feast on whole chickens. After plenty of food and medical attention, jan and tim found them a permanent home at a sanctuary in south africa, but that would mean a long flight from peru. And theyd have to coax two dozen skittish lions into travel crates in time for takeoff. Tim told us the transfers would be tricky and dangerous. Phillips might have a few problems. Worst Case Scenario is, we have to anesthetize an animal to get them loaded in order to catch the flight. There can be problems with it. The big lion anesthetic, it does lead to seizures. Whitaker the transfers didnt start well. Creamer come on, people. We dont have all night. Whitaker but then, one by one, they lured the lions into their crates. That was easy. God, hes a big fella. Several objected to the smaller space. Creamer okay, this one needs to be moved. Whitaker this is going quite well. Creamer were actually really fast. Vet ven, smith. Ven, smith. Whitaker smith, who had dragged the teacher, also seemed ready to leave. Vet muy bien. Muy bien. Whitaker finally, the last lion was reluctant rapunzel. Remember, during her rescue, it took more than an hour to get her to leave her circus cage . Once again, she refused to leave the known for the unknown. With time running out, they had to tranquilize her. Creamer this is the scariest thing that we have to do with an animal, but we had no choice but to do it. She wasnt settling down. Alexis uno, dos, tres. Whitaker fearing she could suffer a seizure, they quickly gave rapunzel the antidote and hoped theyd given it to her in time. Creamer shes awake. Phillips she should be okay now. Creamer the cages. The cages are empty. They really are. That feels good. Whitaker the drive to the airport began what would be a twoday journey. Jan, tim and a vet flew with the lions, without incident. Then, in south africa, we caught up with them being transported through the countryside after what had been the biggest lion airlift in history 33 lions, including nine rescued from colombia. Phillips seeing these animals when youve taken them to as close as we can give them to freedom really is what its all about. Whitaker the lions are still fenced in, but they have plenty of room to roam more than 30 acres. These cats couldnt survive in the wild. Most dont have claws, and their teeth have been smashed. Here, theyll get fed, and they can bask in a world of new experiences. Many had never stepped on grass, had never touched a tree lifes simple pleasures, long denied. This cbs sports update is brought to you by the lincoln motor company. 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How he ended up appointing these people diplomats . Linton yes. Kroft and what was the answer . Linton the Prime Minister doesnt answer those questions. Pelley on dominica, our story, the resulting political demonstrations and the arrest of an International Fugitive travelling on a dominican diplomatic passport, prompted some reforms. The Prime Minister has announced a tightening of passport rules. Now, wealthy foreigners seeking diplomatic passports will at least be checked for a criminal record, and must report the source of their funds. Im scott pelley. Well be back next week with another edition of 60 minutes. Tomorrow, be sure not to miss cbs this morning, and ill see you on the cbs evening news. By the time you head to the bank and wait to get approved for a home loan, that newly listed, midcentury ranch with the garden patio will be gone. Or you could push that button. [dong] [rocket launching] skip the bank, skip the waiting, and go completely online. 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And im gonna stay right with you. Make sure these guys know what theyre doing

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