By Daniela Brik Loja, Ecuador, Jul 6 (EFE).- A pioneering project in Ecuador to synthesize graphene is starting to yield promising results in the removal of pollutants from water. Dubbed the ‘material of the future’, graphene a microscopic hexagonal mesh of carbon atoms is a highly resistant but very flexible material with a …
By Daniela Brik Quito, May 26 (EFE).- Guardians of nature whose survival is threatened is how Alex Lucitante and Alexandra Narvaez define themselves. The young indigneous pair were awarded the Goldman 2022 Environmental Prize for the legal precedent their community set in Ecuador against unauthorized extractive activities in the Amazon. “The day on which the …
By Daniela Brik Loja, Ecuador, May 2 (EFE).- A UNESCO initiative is striving to instill a culture of peace and strengthen the social fabric in Tierras Coloradas, a violent crime-racked neighborhood of this southern Ecuadorian city. And the focus of those efforts is on the community’s children, who are seen as the best hope for …
By Daniela Brik Quito, Mar 24 (EFE).- “I’m Arianna and I’m 18 years old. I’m Venezuelan.” Those are the opening lines of “Del otro lado” (From the Other Side), a film produced by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and funded by the European Union that examines the struggles of …
By Daniela Brik Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, Feb 7 (EFE).- Conservation experts from Ecuador and Israel starting Monday are participating in a symposium to analyze environmental protection activities and solutions for the Galapagos Islands after the expansion of the marine preserve around the archipelago some 900 kilometers (560 miles) west of the Ecuadorian mainland. The meeting …